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i think the brain has melted my sun.

"i think the brain has melted my sun." - Helen, 2008.
seriously. :P

Yes, I iz back!
I thought a 3 month hiatus was enough. :lol:
Thank you all for the 440 comments on my anniversary blog. 8)
I will one day get around to answering them all. :P

Well, I went back to school 5 weeks ago.
And it's been pretty cool so far.
Because I have good teachers, I'm actually learning stuff this year, as opposed to last year. :roll:
Which means I'm actually enjoying the algebra, Macbeth, etc. etc.
sue me. :P

I made a new banner, as you can see up there, withhhh:
- "you're in neleh land now" [going for a cute cartoons kinda theme]
- Across The Universe
- Guys banner: Penn Badgley, Kevin Zegers, Adam Brody, Mika, Ian Nelson, Michael Cera, James Marsden, Zac Efron, Alex Pettyfer, Milo Ventimiglia.
- Gossip Girl
- Starbuck/Apollo
- Helo/Athena
-Victoria's Secret Angels

I made all the individual banners, except for the Helo/Athena one, which JD made for me.
you can tell, cos that one looks like it takes actual skill to make.
the rest are all copy/paste pictures and add text.
hee. :D:D

Pictures I've drawn
excuse my nerdiness, but I spent 5 minutes just looking at the nice map of Asia I drew for society and environment. :D
I mean, come on, hand drawn, people.
that is skill. 8)

(click to view larger image)

Yellow Submarinee
Gonna colour it toooo.

(Click to see larger image)

Gone With The Wind
I couldn't get her facial expression right though.
She's supposed to look haughty, not constipated. :|

(Click to see larger image)

New movies I've seen recently
Cloverfield - woooooo. rocked my ass OFF. J.J.Abrams is awesome.
Juno - so adorable. so many quotable quotes I could make a whole new blog. Michael Cera is love. Plus the soundtrack is brilliant.
Jumper - I liked this. The locations were awesome, and, of course, Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson. guhhhh......
Across The Universe - Looooooove this one. Been listening to the soundtrack non-stop.

Shows I've been watching
Dexter s.1
Lost s.4
Scrubs s.3
Six Feet Under s.2
Grey's Anatomy s.4
Battlestar Galactica - I may die waiting for season 4. :cry::cry:
I read somewhere that it was April 4, but don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. :(

Anyway, gimme a few days, and I'll most probably stop by ye blog. :D

Loff Kweenie xoxo