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I'm just going to go up and down between your legs.

"I'm just going to go up and down between your legs."
- Guy best friend, trying to explain a trick he was going to do on his skateboard. xD
Another friend and I were sitting on a ramp, about a metre apart, and he was supposed to roll up between our sets of legs (not our individual legs themselves :P) and then back down.
He didn't even realise what he said until I pointed it out to him.

Today was the last day of school, unfortunately.
6ish long boring weeks of holiday in front of me.

Did quite well this year; have lots of 'asking parents for permission to go out' ammunition. =D

Semester 2 exam results
96%. second in my cl@ss (top Maths cl@ss no less, hee, and first was 97)

89%. A bit disappointed, because I didn't read one of the questions properly, and missed out on 8 very easy marks.

First of all, at our school, we get grades and levels.
Grades are self explanatory.
Levels got from 1-8.
No-one ever gets 1 or 8, 7s are rare, and at Year 10, we're expected to be getting 4s and 5s.

The grading for English was really weird.
We had two parts to the exam; a written essay one marked by our teachers, and a booklet with stimulus material that was a government test one, marked by random people.
For the school marked one, I got 31/40 or 77.5%, which I was mehish about.
For the government marked one (state average was 490) I got 690, highest in my cl@ss (again, top English cl@ss double hee) and Level 7, which I am v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. happy with.

Society & Environment
Investigation, Communication & Participation - L6
Place & Space - L5
Resources - L5
Time, Continuity & Change - L6
Natural & Social Systems - L5

Semester 2 Report
English - A
Mathematics - A
Science - A; Physics - 94
Society & Environment (this semester we did Vietnamese culture and WWII Germany) - A
2D Art - A
Photography - A
Health - A
Physical Education - A

I joined the student council a few months ago, so that when I apply to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) I have some more extra curriculars.
Today was the end of year assembly, and I had to MC, along with one of my guy friends, who is also a councillor.
And my parents came to the assembly as well. -_-
I cleaned up pretty nice; most times I'd ever gotten up at an assembly, heehee.

End of year assembly awards
I got a medal for the Citizenship Award.
Which is like...for good citizenshipness, I guess.
What can I say, I'm a brownnoser sometimes. xD

At my school we also have these awards called Colours, which are little round badges awarded for various things.
I got six, bringing my total collection to eleven. (three in year 8, two in Year 9)
- Service Colour for being in the Amnesty Group
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the Australasian Schools Science Competition
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the National Geographic Competition
- Academic Colour for getting a Distinction in the Australian Financial Literacy Competition
- Academic Colour for getting 8 As

Anyway, technically, there is a school day tomorrow, but I'm gonna miss it and go shopping with some of my buds.

Loff Kweenie xoxo

*Yes, I like school.
Sue me.
Holidays suck. -_-

PostScript. Forgot about that frickin' stupid cl@ss censored thing. RARR.