"Jamie Bambers is a hot piece of meat who I would like to do naughty things to!" - Dan aka danbambridge, 2007.
No joke, I have the print screen to prove it. :P:lol:
Today's blog is PINK!
Because of a certain NCIS loffer's comment, last blog, and also for Pink for October, to raise awareness for breast cancer! :D:D
Anyhoo, onto today's blog.
Battlestar Galactica
[spoiler] This show, much like Firefly, I watched about one ep of, then got bored and put it back on my shelf.
On the holidays however, I was bored, and decided to finish the first season.
Loffed it, loffed it, loffed it.
My favourite character is probably Starbuck, hehe, and #6 and of course, Apollo. :lol:
Although I suppose that's more to do with the actor. teehee.
I mean, c'mon. :P
Look at that...jaw. :lol:
Some of you may know, I have this weird thing for jaws. :P rofl.
I mean, you can't really blame Dan for wanting to do naughty things to him! :wink:
I've been searching around for Season 2, to no freakin' avail.
It seems the moment I DOOO have money to buy it, people go out and buy the freakin DVD.
although season 3 comes out next month here, so if I get s.2 sometime in the next few weeks, I will finish just in time to watch s.2! :D:D [/spoiler]
Serenity (the movie)
[spoiler] Now, if you have been paying attention to my blogs, you'll see that I recently finished watching Firefly. (if my icon wasn't enough! :P)
And if you don't know that...shame on you. :lol:
Anyhoo, I went out looking for it, and yipee!
I found it in a DVD store for $15.
Yerp, anyway, was pretty good, just like the series.
Stupid me, I spoiled myself on the two deaths in the movie before I watched it (Book + Wash).
So when they landed on Haven, and the whole place was smoking, I was like, okie, this is where Book dies.
And then when wash died, just before he did, I knew he was going to.
Sounds weird, I know, lol, but when he said "I am a leaf on the wind" again, I knew that something was about to happen, and he was about to die. :P
And yay, Kaylee and Simon consumated their relationship! :lol:
Although it SUCKS that Mal and Inara's sexual tension wasn't involved!
:x [/spoiler]
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring + The Two Towers
[spoiler] Now, I saw all three of the LotR movies when they first came out on DVD, because my parents rented it, but being an 8/9/10 year old, it wasn't really that interesting to me, cos I didn't understand the stories. :P
I remember watching some movie awards show, and I was outraged that LotR won all these awards, especially when they won one over Finding Nemo! :lol:
Anyhoo, my friend loffs them, so I decided to start watching them again.
And they were actually pretty interesting. Good effects, and the storyline was very clever.
And of course, it had Orlando Bloom in it. :lol:
(BTW, Sean Bean whoever sucks, Lauryn, Cajungirl! :P)
And I never realised that Dominic Monaghan (aka the guy from lost) played one of the Hobbits! lol.
I felt quite sorry for Smeagol in the second movie, because Gollum was such a bully. :P
Anyhoo, went to the video store (is it just me, or should video stores now be called DVD store? in that "video" store, there's like one shelf of videos and the rest are DVDs) looking for LotR: Return of the King, and it wasn't on the shelf.
I asked the lady, she said there should be 4 copies on the shelf.
She came and had a look.
Another girl came and had a look.
It wasn't freakin' there!
THISSSSSS, people, is why you are considerate of other people, and put the damn DVD back where you found it!
So ....I'll probably have to buy it to watch it.
Which, I don't really mind. :lol: [/spoiler]
Misery (the novel) by Stephen King
[spoiler] Once again, being the idiot I am, I had to go on Wikipedia and read the ending of the book! :P
So that bit where he hit her with the typewriter wasn't too surprising, although the bit after he crawled out of the room was soo freaky!
Jeebus. :lol:
And then of course, as it happens everytime I've read a Stephen King book, I kept imagining Annie was at the foot of my bed when I was trying to get to sleep.
Ok, I just freaked myself out just then, imagining she was behind me, so I just turned on the light and looked behind me. :lol:
After I finished
The Shining - I kept smelling oranges, I SWEAR! :D
Carrie - Well...not so much Carrie, just that everytime someone looked at me weirdly, I thought they was gonna stop my heart with their telekinetic powers or something. :lol:
The Stand - I haven't finished this yet, but everytime I get a cough, and my throat gets all itchy, and my nose starts running, I'm convinced I've got the plague, and we're all gonna die. :P [/spoiler]
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
[spoiler] I'd read another one of her books, The Tenth Circle, which is about this girl who "claims" she was raped.
Yeah, she's one of those writers. :P
But this book was so vair vair vair vair brilliant.
The twist at the end, where she died instead of her sister, was so shocking and unexpected!
I actually cried once or twice during the book.
yes, I'm one of those viewers. :P
Recommend it vair strongly! :D:D
Apparently, they might be making it into a movie as well!
"There are plans by New Line Cinema to turn My Sister's Keeper into a feature film, to be released sometime in 2008. Nick Cassavetes is attached to direct it. It will star Cameron Diaz as Sara."
Although I will def see the movie, I dunno if Cameron Diaz could play Sara. :? [/spoiler]
Stuff I've bought
[spoiler] I am a shopaholic, now. :lol:
Mostly with DVDs and books, and sometimes clothes.
NCIS - s.1 (already watched before)
Arrested Development - s.1 (already watched before)
Serenity (not seen before)
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult (not read before)
High School Musical 2 OST (I had the songs, but not the actual CD :P)
High School Musical poster (as shown in my previous blog :P) [/spoiler]
Loff Kweenie xoxo