"They were three really naughty nurses. Saucy, even. Saucy and bad and naughty. Three saucy, bad, naughty nurses." - Cristina, Grey's Anatomy.
I officially LOFF Grey's Anatomy!
One more day until I can go get my HPATDH book.
Aiming to finish it in 4 hours or less.
which I think is doable, looking at the previous book pages and finish times.
Went shopping today.
Had $130 and was gonna get Grey's Anatomy, Season 2, and BSG, Season 1.
So I go to K-Mart, get the girl to get out the GA and the BSG from the cabinet.
And then she goes, $95.
Me be intriguied.
Should be
GA - $80
BSG - $40
Of course, I didn't complain.
Then I looked at the receipt.
Grey's Anatomy $79.99
(serial number) Discount 20.0% $16.00
Battlestar Galactica $39.99
(serial number) Discount 20.0% $8.00
Can you say yey?
So I ended up getting The O.C. Season 1 as well;
which was $27.99, down from $65.99.
I LOFF sales.
I also got a new pair of red shoes, a pair of high heels and a blue chiffon-y/satin-y dress,
from my mum, cousin and my sister, respectively.
And I made this at work:
Spread my new glitter glue over a plastic case, and then carefully peeled it off.
New prettys.
14 - 21 July, 2007.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Book Voucher - $30
Which I have taken to calling the "Golden Ticket."
- Love Hina boxset - $40 inc. P&H.
- Grey's Anatomy Season 1 - $30
- Battlestar Galactica Season 1 $32
- Grey's Anatomy Season 2 $64
- The O.C. Season 1 $28
- Dress - $10 - Gift
- High heels - Unknown - Gift
- Red slippers - Unknown - Gift
Total I spent this week
- $224
Loff Kweenie xoxo