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They were three really naughty nurses. Saucy, even. Saucy and bad and naughty.

"They were three really naughty nurses. Saucy, even. Saucy and bad and naughty. Three saucy, bad, naughty nurses." - Cristina, Grey's Anatomy.
I officially LOFF Grey's Anatomy!

One more day until I can go get my HPATDH book.
Aiming to finish it in 4 hours or less.
which I think is doable, looking at the previous book pages and finish times.

Went shopping today.

Had $130 and was gonna get Grey's Anatomy, Season 2, and BSG, Season 1.
So I go to K-Mart, get the girl to get out the GA and the BSG from the cabinet.
And then she goes, $95.
Me be intriguied.
Should be
GA - $80
BSG - $40
Of course, I didn't complain.
Then I looked at the receipt.

Grey's Anatomy $79.99
(serial number) Discount 20.0% $16.00

Battlestar Galactica $39.99
(serial number) Discount 20.0% $8.00

Can you say yey?

So I ended up getting The O.C. Season 1 as well;
which was $27.99, down from $65.99.
I LOFF sales.

I also got a new pair of red shoes, a pair of high heels and a blue chiffon-y/satin-y dress,
from my mum, cousin and my sister, respectively.

And I made this at work:
Spread my new glitter glue over a plastic case, and then carefully peeled it off.

New prettys.
14 - 21 July, 2007.

- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Book Voucher - $30
Which I have taken to calling the
"Golden Ticket."
- Love Hina boxset - $40 inc. P&H.
- Grey's Anatomy Season 1 - $30
- Battlestar Galactica Season 1 $32
- Grey's Anatomy Season 2 $64
- The O.C. Season 1 $28
- Dress - $10 - Gift
- High heels - Unknown - Gift
- Red slippers - Unknown - Gift

Total I spent this week

Loff Kweenie xoxo