I do not think MS is killing the Xbox One with the Scorpio announcement. It makes a lot of people hesitant for sure, but the fact of the matter is, Xbox One is out now, and Scorpio won't be for at least an other year. Also, the specs are more in the speculation or 'what we want it to be' than hard facts. That we'll have to see on the finished product.
For me personally, I'm gonna buy an Xbox One S soon, as I was not really convinced by the original product but this one looks more interesting to me with the decreased size, removed power brick and increased feature set. And what if the Scorpio will be good and worth the asking price? I can still move my S to my parent's house and play the same games in HD when I'm visiting.
On the matter of cross-play, I welcome it. More people playing a game online means a longer life cycle for the product and less server shutdowns for games. I don't see a downside to it. Question is, is Sony willing to jump onboard for such a thing? Or Nintendo for that matter? We'll see.
Interesting. So a representative from the least experienced gaming console manufacturer warns a company with more than a decade of hardware manufacturing experience and an other one yet to release a bad game or develop a bad business model. I own an Xbox 360, but facts are facts.
HellWolfHun's comments