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Wow, this shouldn't be a 'first' topic...

... but oh well!

So, I enjoy playing on my 360. Recently, this was multiplied when I found out my friends had 360's too.

Whoa. Back up a second sparky. Why didn't you know that your BFF's had brought into the MS conspiracy?

Right- I forgot to mention that I'm English and I live in America. Moved here in 2006 to marry my wife (the highest bidder for me on eBay- kidding).

So, my friends casually drop the bomb that they're about 300+ hours into Oblivion. I felt like they were trying to tell me something and no, it wasn't that my 50+ hours was inadequate. I needed Gold. Well, a Gold Live account. I'm a socially challenged gamer and playing online is the equivalent of standing in a crowded lift full of strangers. I hate it.

But, when my friends can play in the same game across the atlantic, that's a party I like. So I took the plunge and got a month of Live for starters.

So, where are we now? With a freaking XBL Vision Cam, that's where! Yep, this misanthrope is online and lookin' good!

The Problem

Uno. That's the problem. Video enabled UNO. Bane of my online existence. It's freaking disgusting, to put it plainly. If you aren't getting insulted by someone who is in no position to be casting aspersions, then you're seeing something you never wanted to see.

Polishing the bishop? Keep it off camera dude. Sure, I understand the carnal need, but I don't ever, ever, need to see it.

So, with that, my first post comes to an end. With a warning- never play UNO with a camera. Your eyes will thank you for it.