Latest news : Columbia Pictures Corporation is going to reboot Charlies angels with an all male cast.what a brilliant idea...
We're witnessing the beginning of the end of the console era.I'm fairly certain that a console lifespan of only 4 years will be the end of the console era.
@kayemeep: the kid reviewing this said in the lobby that ds3 is better than ds2, ds2 scored a 9 and ds3 an 8.Kevin VanOrd spend about 80 hours on ds2 before reviewing it, this kid could only manage 40 before reviewing ds3.
soo... ds 3 is better than ds 2 according to this kid who reviewed ds 3.ds 2 scored a 9 right here on GS, but ds 3 only scored an 8, can we get Kevin VanOrd back to do a 2nd "real" review.this kid spend about 40 hours before reviewing ds 3, VanOrd spend more than 80 hours before reviewing ds 2.I learned nothing about ds 3 from reading the review.
Michael Crichton wrote jurassic park in 1990.Crichton and Koepp wrote the screenplay in 1993.please... at least get the basics's a tip, check your facts on a real movie site like imdb.
@vibroknife: not only is it an old and terrible game, it's the game that got Jeff Gerstmann fired from gamespot back in 2007.
so... Adrian Askarieh eh.the Uwe boll of producers, produced the two hitman movies and a future kane and lynch flick.He basically makes shitty films from video games.
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