@mogan: regardless if was suppose to come to Mac first or PC. I do remember seeing Nvidia advertising their GeForce 2 GTS with Halo 1 so I'm pretty sure it was co-developed for both OS at the same time.
@oddshroom: You must be too young to read or have forgotten how to cause you simply missed my point or didn't bother reading all the way through it. I never stated "xbox started it" in my post. I've been gaming since the 80's and I do have a pretty clear view of what's happening. The whole exclusive war has being going on since forever. Sega and Nintendo offered exclusive titles to sell their consoles. All I said is there is nothing wrong with exclusives, its a very valid way to sell your product. If it weren't for exclusives what then differentiates one console from the other? Why would someone pick a Sega Genesis over SNES or a Saturn over PS, or a Dreamcast vs N64?
Ehh MS and their excuses....It really isn't Sony's fault. I do remember a time when Halo was suppose to come to PC first and suddenly it was an xbox exclusive. Every company that develops hardware wants their console to sell. Only way to do that is through exclusives. Else we would only have one console and everyone will be happy!
It will always be in the order they came out as its the order I played them when they came out and I usually judge a game based on the time it came out and what barriers it surpassed during that generation. Also I would be lying if nostalgia didn't play a role in my ranking. As for example MGS3 is a much better game overall than MGS1 or 2 but for some reason I always go back to Shadow Moses every time someone mentions MGS.
@jenovaschilld: The rechargeable batteries come with the dock charger. You can add them into the controller. The issue is there are no replaceable and they are not sold online. Which means if the batteries provided in the package are defective or die out from too much charging, thats it, you can't find replacement and you will have to buy another dock from razer.
Here is the funny thing about this gadget. The batteries included in the razer dock charger are not being sold separately. meaning if you have another controller or the batteries provided, die. You need to buy another razer dock charger :|
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