Well, howdy all!
Just dropping by to wish you all a Happy New Year........if it will be that is......*ahem*....anyway, I will be seeing this film tomorrow:
And after that:
Hopefully, they'll both be good......well, the Producers I mean.
But for right now, I bring to you the winner for Best Movie of the Year.
And that winner is.............................................................(drum roll with bang, please)............................none other than:
Yes, that's right, Syriana won my award fo MOTY. Why? Because I have never seen a movie so deep in political thought, and fully enjoyed it at the same time.
The runner-up was pretty damn close as well:
And seeing as how I love war movies, I was sure this was going to win.
Well, that was my awards show. It's not as good as I thouht it would be, but the real question is:
Did you all enjoy it? 0_o
Please tell me what you thought of my show.
Thus concludes the ceremony!
Now, of to play Matrix: Path of Neo.......which was a bit more......."dull" then I thought it would be, but still playable. Expect a review soon.
Now I just need to buy Mario Kart DS. >_>
GB and GN.