XBL is a breeding ground for morons and, well, jackasses. Let me explain the moron part first: I was in matchmaking, (wishing that i wouldn't get nuetral bomb or multi flag) and i was sentenced to play Multi flag(argh!), on Waterworks(double argh!!).
Well, at first, things were going quite well. Then all of a sudden, someone took our flag! I went inside the base......and they JUST STOOD THERE DOING NOTHING!!!!! They literally let the guy take it!! This went on for the rest of the game, and we were stuck with: Us: 1, them: 3. Then comes the jackass portion of this subject. When we get into the after game lobby, the constantly raving on how we suck, and need to get some skill. They would not shut the **** up for 3 min., and if your wondering why I stayed there for so long, it was because i wanted to see how long these idiots would take TO shut up.
That may not make sense to you, but there's a trillon of they're kind out there. As i said, XBL is a breeding ground for morons........