Now i've been waiting for this game a long time, until i got the demo. I played it through, hoping that it wouldn't be disappointing. Well, so far, it wasn't. Combining Excellent gameplay, extrordinary graphics, simple controls, and revolutionary AI, this soon will be a winner when it ships.
Let's talk about the AI. I expected it to be none too smart, but I was in for a big suprise. I assigned two squad members to a sniping position. Driods were coming down the hall, and before i could fire a single shot, they already took down five of them by themselves. Another thing is that when heavily damaged, they'll repair themselves, and I didn't even order them to do that. But the most incredible thing of all is when we were facing a spider droid. I repeatedly hit it with grenades, when all of a sudden, i got hit. I was down and couldn't do anything. But i looked around, and they took down the droid all by themselves, while one walked up to me and revived me. Now that's pretty amazing.
Overall, the demo was outstanding and really fun to play. I highly anticipate it more than ever now. And the fact that it comes in March will really make me go crazy 'till it comes out.