I must look like one to some people, because I keep getting shot down for suspension every time!
But let's not talk about that.
Let's talk about STUFF!!
Like a fat cat.
Or my album purchases:
Now to get Stadium Arcadium.......maybe Bullet in a Bible too....
I cannot stop listening to 10,000 Days......magnificent album..........must listen to more......curses....
And then there were FILMS!!!!
First off, Silent Hill sucks.
Naked Lunch
Pink Floyd: The Wall
Everything is Illuminated
I also did a ote on whether or not people should post a review in my UCB, and they won. *-_- So if you want to, then go ahead...
Just don't do crappy reviews. >______>
So what else to talk about....ahh yes, i'm currently applying for a job at a.......wait for it.......MOVIE THEATER! Bet you didn't see that coming.
Sorry for the bad entry. In a hurry.
So what's up with you turkeys?
GB and GN.