And eat gummy caterpillars as well.
Number One:
It's funny how I watched the band on Conan O' Brien for about 15 seconds, and immediatly loved them. I've listened to this album, and it is mind-blowingly awesome. Think of it at Marvin Gaye and Danger Mouse having a love-child, which would be agonizingly disgusting as hell, and the music industry kidnapped him and held him for ransom.............somewhere along the line there at least. Get this album.
Number Two:
Let's face it; I loved the SMB series ever since I placed my grubby, puny little hands on an NES controller in someone's basement and started playing profusely. And New SMB retains that lovely little feeling inside that is almost equivalent to winning a teddy bear at the carnival that has laser eyes and likes tea party's. I guess. ON TO METROID PRIME HUNTERS!!!!!!
And finally, at Number Three:
I cannot think of one film at this moment that made me feel so joyous and merciful for 2 hours and 7 minutes. You may think it's just another "shock-value" flick, but actually, it's more along the lines of......shall we say, a hybrid of "Schindler's List" and "It's A Wonderful Life". It's hard to explain this film other than it being so goddamn great, and you should stop eating gummy bears and view this baby at once. Rly.
Plus, I found this at a garage sale:
So lessee here, The Da Vinci Code tomorrow, X-Men 3 after that, then who know what after that. Kick. Foot.
Oh, and before I forget, God called today.
He wants his ****ing film rights back!!! :evil:
GB and GN.