10. Mystery Wii Game. The Wii is seriosuly lacking in it's 2011 lineup. I hope Nintendo pulls something amazing from out of their sleeve. They have the capability, but they always fail to deliver. I'm not looking for any one amazing game, just a few unique, creative, nintendoesque games. Hell, I would even settle for a new Wii.
9. Pokemon Black/ White. Screw what everybody says, Pokemon is still fun (even if the new pokemon are really gay)
8. Okamiden. I haven't had anything fun to play on my DS for a while.
7. Shadows of the Damned. If you guys don't know, the mad genuis Suda 51 is working on this. And everything he touches is amazingly amazing.
6. The Last Guardian. I loved Shadow of Colossus for the PS2. I don't have a PS3, but I wish I would have gotten one of them instead of a 360.
5. Silent Hill 8. During the mid 2000s, scary games used to be very popular on every platform. You had many Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and loads of other horror games on the market. Now, it's all about unleashing bullets and explosions. We need to see more games of the horror genre.
4. Lost In Shadow. About 95% of the big titles for 2011 are going to be sequels, which is saddening. I like to see new, unique things, and Lost In Shadow looks to be both.
3. Star Wars: The Old Republic. I don't think I need to explain myself on this one.
2. Legend of Zelda: Skyward sword. Despite what people say, I thought Twilight Princess was amazing. I'm curious as to see what way Nintendo is going to take skyward sword. I actually hope it will be more like Twilight Princess than Ocarina of Time.
1. The 3DS. Nothing in particular; just the whole damn thing. I don't think there is one person who can either A. Say that they aren't curious as to how it is going to turn out. Or B. disagree that it will be the biggest revolution in gaming yet. I am also looking forward to the large variety of games that are going to be coming with it, mostly starfox and Ocarina of Time.
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