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blog story part 7

" you can't kill me scum!" shouted mysticmatt

" we will kill you!" shouted syrusfan

" yah right i can... ugh wats happening?" shouted mysticmatt

mysticmatt went back to his original human form

" how?" asked mysticmatt

" NOW!" shouted kevindork

Kevindork and syrusfan both attacked mysticmatt with their strongest attacks.

" how could i die, by the hands of scum?" asked mysticmatt as he fell to the floor, dead.

mean while...

" ha, i laugh at your attemps to kill me!" mocked dark_auror

" i will kill, i have to!" shouted sphinx_vampire

"Water bullets!" screamed sphinx_vampire

" Shadow grab!" screamed dark_auror

Then sphinx_vampire spit giant water balls at dark but two shadow hands grabbed and crushed the water bullets.

"hahahahaha" laughed dark_auror

to be continued!

blog story part 6!!

i will try again!:(

" Thunder shock" shouted mew02.

" Nice try, but I will asorb it" chuckled animanga. Then animnga's body, grew bigger due the extra lightning in his body.

" Eeerrr. so I can't hit him with my lightning attacks, so I should do hand to hand." mew02 thought to himself.

" Come on already, your putting my to sleep." mocked the evil animanga.

Then mew ran at animanga. he punched and kicked but animanga wa too powerful due to the extra lightning. He swated mew away.

" Aaaaahh" screamed mew as he coughed up blood.

" Hahahahaha. You can't win in attacks because i will asorb them, and you can't win in hand to hand because i am too powerful." shouted animanga.

" Wait, thats it. I will..." said mew02 but before he could finish. he was swatted away by animanga.

" Try this, lightning burst." shouted mew.

" I will only asorb it." stated animanga.

" good, i hope you will" shouted mew.

Then animanga started to puff up due to the extra lightning in his body.

" No, stop it is too much!" shouted animanga.

" Now, to finish it. Lightning burst!" shouted mew1

" Ligtning cannon!" screamed animanga.

The two blast were perfectly matched. That was until mew02 used his lightning speed to jump on animanga's back and donate his powers to animanga.

" STOP!!!!!!!!!" screamed animanga

" Times... up!!!" said mew02.

Mew02 ran away to watch as animanga exploded.

" Nooooooo..." screamed animanga100 at his last moment.

Mean while...

" We shall beat you mysticmatt!" shouted kevindork and syrusfan in unision!

to be continued...

please rate truthfully!

blog story part 5!!!

" i don't care how tall or how wierd you lokk, i will kill you!!!" shouted syrusfan. " Well watch this" said mysticmatt. Mysticmatt used a fire blast from his mouth to burn syrusfan. " aaaaahh, i can't win!" shouted syrusfan in pain. " that is why you and me shal kill him!" said kevindork. "Shadow dragon attack!" yelled kevindork. " Wolf fist!" then a giant black dragon appeared and headed towards mysticmatt. mysticmatt blew fire again and destoryed the dragon but out of no where syrusfan jumped up and hit mysticmatt with his wolf fist. " aaahhh!" screamed mysticmatt as he coughed up blood. " take this!" mysticmatt shouted. A second demon mysticmatt appeared. " now, i sacrifice my clone to use this attack. Dead man's ressurection!!!" shouted mysticmatt. Then the whole ground trembled as a bunch of zombies came up from the ground. mean while... " I'm here!" said someone. Then a lightning bolt struck the ground and animanga100 appeared. " yes but so am i... brother!" said mew02. " Bro, i must put a stop to you!" shouted mew02 as he ran towards animanga. " electrical shock!" shouted both mew02 and animanga in unision. The blasts just countered each other. " My guantlet gloves increase my lightning powers x2." shouted mew02. " well your gonna need 20 times your power to even lay a finger on me!" mocked animanga. to be continued!... rememeber- if your not in it now, you will be!:D

blog story part 4!!!

" Face it runt, your out matched." mocked explode50. Suddenly, dark_auror and 2 huge boxes appeared. " What did i miss?" asked dark_auror. "Oh goodey you did what i asked... mysticmatt!" said dark_auror. Everyone gasped. " Yes i did... master." replied mysticmatt. Then mysticmatt went in to kill kevindork but was struck by something."You creep. someone who betrays others for evil is just... CRUEL!!!!!!" said syrusfan. at that moment, syrusfan transformed into his full scale wolf form. " take this creep!!!!!!" screamed syrusfan. he punched mysticmatt in the face and threw him 42 feet away. " So dark_auror, whats in the boxes?" asked gad. " One is my secret weapon and the other contains...musicclovex!" said dark_auror. everyone gasped... again. " Release her now or i will kill you!" screamed sphinx_vampire. " Is that a threat... or a promise?" snickered dark_auror. Sphinx dashed towards dark_auror.But she was knocked away. " hahahaha that was pittyful!" laughed dark_auror. " Now take this!!!!!!!!!!!!" said dark_auror. He grabbed his sword and ran towards sphinx_vampire. mean while... the fight between mysticmatt and syrusfan is cooking off. " so it is pretty clear i can't win in this form...but i have another form left!" said mysticmatt. Suddenly mysticmatt transformed into a huge demonic creature 300 feet tall! " hahaha now you know what you are up against!" shouted mysticmatt!

to be continued...:D

things to think about:

what is the secret weapon,

who will win between mysticmatt and syrusfan

who will win between sphinx_vampire

you can guess but i won't tell!

P.s- just ask if you want to be in my story:D

blog story part 3!!!!

" explode50, kill them all!!!" shouted gad. "yes sir!" said explode50. " i will fight him, is thatok leader?" asked mysticmatt. " Yes it is." said sphinx_vampire. " Bring it pretty boy!" mocked explode50. Mysticmatt pulled out a sword and ran towards explode50. " that won't work" said explode5. explode threw a bomb at matt. matt went tumbling back. The explode threw a bunch of little bombs at matt. " you can't even get close enough with your blade to hurt me!" shouted explode50. " arrgh! how can i get close enough to slice him?" said mysticmatt to himself.

to be continued...:D

blogstory part 2!!!!

mean while... " we will kill 6tacky and then we shal detroy dark_auror!! " chuckled gad. "now, i want you explode50 to kill hero you see!" said gad. " yes, i will. No one is more powerful than me!!!! um... except you sir." said explode50. On the other side of town... " We will destroy 6tacky then kill gad!!!!" chuckled dark_auror. "Isn't that right my secret weapon." chuckled dark_auror.

5 days later, the heros are lined up outside of 6tacky's castle...

" Now heros, i want no dent in my castle or else" shouted 6tacky.

"Well that might be a problem" hissed gad. Out of no where, gad and explode50 appear.

and now, the fight begins...


here it is!!! part 1:

it was another peaceful day in Tackytopia. Tackytopia is a city ruled by the kind leader 6tacky. Mean while, in a building, there is a secret meeting of heros. "attention everyone, me have very important topic to discuss. Gad and Dark_Auror. We are all aware that these two have been in a war against each other for 15 years right?", said mysticmatt. "Yes", said the rest of the heros. " Well they decided to attack and kill the ruler 6tacky", said mysticmatt. " Oh barnacles batman!:lol: thats bad!" said spongebobfan_17. "So what do we do?"asked kevindork. " We should guard the ruler's castle!" said sphinx_vampire. " Yes and we will win! We are gonna end this crazy rivalry between gad and dark_auror!" said syrusfan. "Yes, we shal!" said jeter241.

that concludes part 1. if you are not in it now, you will be!!

100 friends!!

Wakka Wakka I have 100 friends!! some are banned people but who cares. Thanks for all being my friend!!!!!!!!!!

i think i might...

leave! well everyone is leaving so it makes we want to leave! if i do, i will pop up and mabeye return if the mobs stop being evil!!

so the question is, should i stay or should i go?