Hellwilder's forum posts
I think that so far yours is the only character that was said here who i would qualify as a valid character for being selected as favourite. that and maybe yoshi a bit. but come on people you're picking mutes, seriously mario and link have no personality they don't even have any written text in any game,even Bowser is more acceptable.
Oh come on, Link doesn't have, it's true; but mario andyoshi have a personality ._. You have hurt a gamer TT_TT
What is your favorite videogames character? Where does this character comes from?
Mine is Yoshi from... a lot of games xD
Well, theese are my top 5 GBA games:
Yoshi Island 3
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
Pokemon FR/LG
Yu Gi Oh! and stuff
Metroid and other stuff xD
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