Some might wonder why I'm not posting that much anymore. Well, probably no-one does but just in any case someone remembers me I had been quite an active poster in the past few years.
I never would've expected it but... The truth is, gaming has just been getting slowly but steadily boring for me. There's rarely any innovation and I just don't seem to be that interested in new games anymore. It's just more of the same old stuff we've seen before. Sure, there's innovation out there but it seems to be focused mainly on freeware and casual (real casual - not LOL CASUALZ) games. Gaming just isn't going in the direction I'd like it to go. The PC I have now might just be the last one I will buy for dedicated gaming usage. Or it will be for long, until we get virtual reality or something. This does not mean I'm saying PC gaming is dying, PC gaming and gaming in general is going to get bigger and bigger - but it's just expanding in the wrong direction.
This is not a goodbye post or anything, I'll probably still be around sometimes. I'm going focus more on my studies and personal life from now on. Sure, I'll game occasionally but I doubt I'll ever be as hardcore as I once was.
Heh, looking back at all this, I sure have a friggin' huge collection - over 600 PC games. I wonder what I'll do with them. I don't have the heart to give them away since games have been a large part of my life and I have nothing but fond memories of them. They do take tons of space though. Those damn lovable big cardboard boxes! :oops: We'll see.
To all of you who still take interest in gaming, good for you! Enjoy it as long as possible! :)
cd games
del *.*
rd games
Goodnight sweet prince ;_;
Ps. I will make my oath as a gamer, I *WILL* someday finish Planescape: Torment. This I promise you. And maybe the bit above was slighty overexaggerated, I wanted something epic so there you go.
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