I love all the little subtle dialogue that you hear like when he's aiming his gun and trying to find the last guy. God, it's like you're playing a movie. Freaking awesome!
@rhysthepriest You gotta be careful though when solving the puzzles in Portal 2. Start solving them too fast and you risk not getting your Solution Euphoria :)
Crysis 2 was good, not great in my opinion. It's certainly better than a lot of other FPS' out there but when comparing it to something like Crysis 1, its hard not to overlook its shortcomings. And what was up with all the advertisement about it being in DX11 when it is clearly a DX9 game? Not that its that big of a deal (the game still lookes awesome), but one of the reasons I recently upgraded my GPU to the gtx 560 ti was because nvidia and Crytek were advertising how awesome Crysis 2 was gonna be in DX11. Again, not that huge of an issue, just kind of weird I guess...
The AI in Shogun 2 is really was good in my opinion. Not only in battles but on the campaign map as well. The fact that enemy armies would notice when I left a settlement undefended and actually capitalize on that was awesome. So was the fact that the other factions really got involved with each other. Example: About every 15 turns or so a faction would get destroyed that I hadn't even heard of. I'm predicting that the next Total War game CA makes will be Rome 2, and boy would it be epic!
@Rudorlf I agree with you that Call of Duty should take a nice two year to three year rest even if they have two seperate developers making the games. However, I don't see Activision stopping anytime soon with pumping one out every year. Just look at the sales figures each year. As long as millions of copies of Call of Duty sell each year, Activision will continue to simply put one out each year.
Black Ops and MW2 look to similar to me to really give a hoot or say "that one looks better than other". They both do look noticeably better than WaW and MW1 though. They better though since those games are 2 and 3 years old lol.
Hercules321's comments