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Herodite777 Blog

Fringe Stays

Fringe will stay in the banner, as I have liked the show. My account on Box Office Mojo will now be recieving all my reviews-63 reviews there so far.

Banner Updated

It's been more than 2 years since I last updated this blog. Throughout this time I have constantly been browsing the site and at times even post in the forum.

Well this new blog post is about my new banner. The very left is Jericho, the best show ever, followed by the kid from iCarly (a decent sit-com), followed by Chuck, then Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory, then Jake T. Austin from the Wizards of Waverly Place, Darth Stewie (below him is Speed Racer). Finishing of with Fringe.

I'll keep this until Fall season begins and I see if I like Fringe or not. If not I'll replace it, if so I won't change it.

The Simpsons vs. Family Guy

Ok here it is. I am so sick of people just pitting the two shows against togethor. Ok I know the shows can be similar, and FG does make some steals from The Simpsons (considering FG has The Simpsons writers now...sheesh), but it still coems out with way maore orginal better jokes. Peter and Homer may be the same-retarted. Yes, BUT they are different. Go look at them, Homer is more caring, while Peter is more reckless. Plus The Simpsons took the fatehr idea from the Flintstones-a retarted father. Lois and Marge are the wives of the their appoprate husbands-supposed to keep the place in line. Guess what-Lois is more outgoing and does something-SHE TEACHES PIANO. Looka t past comedy, most family comedies have the good wife who helps. Stewie and the baby (forgot her name): Stewie can talk and is evil. 'nuff said. Meg and Lisa: Meg is mistreated by even her own family, I don't see Lisa being mistreated that way. Chris and Bart: Bart is a little boy who likes to play pranks, and is avreage smart. Chris is just an idiot. Brian and Santa's little helper: Other than having a real name, Brian can talk and is intelligent. In truth, I may not like the Simpsons, but I let their fans be happy, and not state that I thing it should end already. Likewise, FG haters should state they dislike the show, but not flame it. All shows are similar in a way, yet also different.


Well I have decided to write once more in the blog thing. Well....I can't wait until today's FG and AD episodes...

Why do I write in a Blog?

Why do I have a Blog? I only posted this to get rid of the "Click here to Post your first Blog Post" button thing. ------try and say this: hgfkghkfhlrjklfdghdgjfjk soooooooooooooooooooooooooo...who here likes Pizza?