This review deserves a bad score. Melee attacking an alien in single player doesn't floor it on nightmare, so if the reviewer has a problem with the game being too easy, then all he needs to do is up the difficulty setting. If you're having trouble with the Alien auto- transitioning to walls, there is a setting that changes this too. Options menus exist to appeal to more players and prevent this kind of unnecessary bellyaching about a problem that's already been fixed. Also, trying to get another player to become the Predator is the exact opposite of how Predator Hunt works. You want to stay as the Predator and score kills. Oh, and ask a pro Alien player if he finds the controls clunky. Next time, please play the game before reviewing it rather than just YouTubing it.
This is a fair review. It highlights the good parts and the bad. As for not giving it a rating, I don't see a problem there. I don't walk out of a movie thinking "6.75 out of 10" or "three and a half stars," I think of the parts of the movie I liked and those I didn't.
I liked Ben Affleck in this movie, and I'm glad to admit I'm one of the ones who doubted him and ended up being wrong. I loved the Zod fight being shown from his viewpoint and his interactions with Superman. I loved the theme of Man vs. God, and the question the movie poses about if the latter comes to earth, should he be accountable to man's laws?
I did not care for Lex Luthor. As another user said, he was more like Joker lite, and the Joker's already in enough media. Lex was totally unnecessary. It would've been far more interesting to have either Batman or Superman serve as the antagonist and leave it up to the audience which character is the hero and which is the villain.
The same goes for Wonder Woman, Doomsday and all the Justice League cameos. Those should've been saved for the JL movie where they could've been more developed. I love Wonder Woman, and she would fit in well as an ally to Superman. She struggles with the same dilemma as this version of Kal-El, whether to "stand proudly before the human race" or to stay hidden from it. It's just that, from this movie alone, you'd never know it.
Herrix's comments