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e3 2008

ok nietSo finally the e3 2008 has been there and what are the good things and bad things after those 3 days

As usual the e3 was started with the Sony, Microsoft en Nintendo conferance wich in my opinion was not the greatest i ever saw. Ofc the big suprise came from Microsoft with there final fanatsy deal. so that was the bigest suprise i think. Even though all of them had a good line up for games and features there was still no major suprise. i Mean we all saw God of War 3 coming up for the PS3. It was also a matter of time before the movies on the net like PSN and Xbox live would be announced. dont get me wrong and i know i might sound negative but still these where no big suprises. In the end when u look at the line up for the consoles the games where still good and exciting! i mean look at Fable 2, Killzone 2, Gears of War 2, God of War 3, MAG, Mirrors edge, InFamous, RE5 and the list goes on and on. My bigest dissapointing was Nintendo, no big upcoming games that i really look forward to.there was a suprise of Far Cry 2 but that was it. Ok there was also GTA for the DS that i did not see coming, but no major AAA games where there for Nintendo. Maybe they will wait ti'll the Tokyo game show, but who can tell. So what where the big down sides of this years show? well i missed a few games that i wanted to see more on but just wherent there. Think about Half-Life Episode 3, Prototype, Duke Nukem Forever, the new portal game and more info about FF XIII. Still i enjoyed watching the E3. And the most fun on stage show that i watched was the one for Fable 2, Peter really tells something cool about the game and makes it sound always way way better then the actual game will be or is. but i always enjoy it how he tells it. also the new guitar hero was nice to see, only it starts to look to much like rock band at this moment. Rock band ofc had the nice anouncement of a new Guns 'N Roses song that was kinda nice, although i hope to hear it soon.

So in the end i enjoyed the E3 2008 and i am looking forward to the Tokyo Game show and ofc also the leipzig Game convention


Mr, Gamespot

OK lets start off with telling u all that i am normally not a person to start writting blog posts. But after last week and this week readin all kint of news about Jeff gertsmann i think i just have to speak of mind. I think it is odd but also not a good move that Gamespot made towards Jeff. as a Member since 2003 i redead tons of pre-reviews and always enjoyed watching them aswell that also counts for On the spot. I think that when u fire Jeff they also had to look at what the people would think, and mainly the subscribers like me that pay almost 40 dollars a year. Why would i pay to get totall access when the advertisers decide everything anyway. I did not always agree with Jeff his review score's but still he did not listen to other people. he basiclly really told us what he liked and disliked about certain games. Gamespot will fall back in a pit without Jeff. And how come to those people who paid for Gamespot cant tell anything. we are part of there finance right?

So what would the future look like at Gamespot after this subject? Ithink that will be verry clear. review scores way higher then they are cos it is there advertiser on there site.I think we will get allot of disbelives over the time over there future review scores. I am just afraid that like so many others agree with me that we can not trust the scores any longer as it seems like wich gamestudio pays most gets the best score even when the game is totally crap. So whtat are your opinions about the future of gamespot? let me know. I will still come here as i think it will be a waste of money otherwise. but they cant count on me to refresh my year subscription next year. I also wont tell people to start to boycott Gamespot in the future but just take the new score's not serius anymore
