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My first Blog post that will actually matter.

I thought it was about time to do a blog post with some actual effort. So Sit back and turn off the TV. Just for anyone who doesn't want to waste there time reading blogs that they dont't know what they're even about, the topics I shall be discussing are:

I Am Legend.


Christmas list.

And oreo Cakesters.


I am Legend. I just saw this movie yesterday. Half way through it I realized it was my favorite movie, ever. The basic premise is you have Will Smith, he's living in New York city and appears to be the only man alive there. The beginning shows how a famous doctor has discovered a way to cure cancer.They have injected thousands of patients with the antidote.Early on you see he has a dog companion named Sam. Throughout the movie he hasflashbacks of howthe cure went wrong and the human population began to get infected. After a bit of seeing him and his companion sam survive, sam ends up chasing a dear into a dark building, and Will Smith is horrified to follow, but must rescue Sam. He is sweating immensly and his acting skills are definetly shown. You expect that he is scared of the lions and wild animals that roam New York, but soon after he spots a small circle of crazed sickening mutated humans, and you learn they are whats left of humanity and the genuine "Bad guys of the movie" Now that I've revealed the entire beginning to you i'll stop revealing so much. However, I can say this is hands down the greatest movie I've ever seen. Go see it as soon as you can, Will Smith plays a great roll, the CGI is great, all the creatures are amazing and scary, and the movie knows exactly how to keep you on the edge of your seat, and at one point feel suprisingly very sad. I'll probably see it atleast 3 more times.


Starcraft. Starcraft, starcraft, Star freaking craft. I got this game last year and beat it within a week because of how addicing and fun it was. I spent a lot of time over the past few days just doodling Zerg, playing through the game again, watching perodies and animations online, watching videos of starcraft 2... It goes on. I just thought I'd make this little snippit of my blog dedicated to Starcraft.Newgrounds has a large collectionof starcraft animations and perodies if anybody is interested, and Amazon.comhas starcraft for a cheapprice.Though most of my Zerg doodles were on paper, and I'm currently without a scanner, I did do amutaliskon paintover a few minutes Which you can see here..If there is anyone reading this blog, and doesn't have starcraft. For the love of the Gaming gods, GET STARCRAFT!

My christmas list only contains a few things game related, and understand these are simply what I chose to ask for and truely want to get. The meat of the burger (Crappy metaphor, yay!) was an xbox 360. The wii or PS3 didn't interest me even a little, so the 360 was an easy pick. I will be getting either Bioshock or Gears of war for the 360, I really have no preference or idea to which. Now the other two games might suprise some, but they are still what I have chose. Guilty Gear X2 for the PS2, and Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64. Why am I getting older games when I could be getting Newer? Because I simply Prefer better games all in all, not just newer. And I beleive Paper Mario is better than many games that are considered new.

And last and probably least, Oreo cakesters.


They're delicious.