Is anyone actually going to play video games during the Super Bowl? Not if you're strait you're not. My Super Bowl plans consist of going to church;eating a small lunch; staying and watching the game with some pizza roles, and watching The Offics to close the day out.
I didn't have time to finish my last comment so know I will. The innovation that phaserde was talking about in UT3 sounds sucky to me, I don't want to go into a ranked match with moders and get my a** kicked. Maybe it is because I don't mod, and I'm only a victim of mods, but that innovation just sounds stupid and bad. Also as you said phaserde about Halo 3 belonging on the Wii because it has childish gameplay and 8 year olds play it, that is so wrong. First of all saying it's a bad game because people who are 8 play it annoy you is not a ligitement complaint about the game Bungie can't stop them from playing so it's not there fault and that is why they installed the in game easy to use muting system for Halo 3. Second if Halo was childish why did it get a M rating? And finally the reason everyone loves halo so much is because it's just fun, you don't have to sit there and camp for five minutes to get akill like in Vegas or GRAW(nothing against tyhose games) or even in CoD(I love that game nothing against it) you just go out shoot run away let your sheilds recharge and hope you get better luck in the next fight. Also It is so easy to talk with friends and brag to them espicailly with saved films now, it's a blast. And here's more re3asons. It's fun to blow stuff up and shoot stuff in Halo 3 because the explosions are so awesome, it's also fun to get hit by a grenade and still live to fight, Also if you take it seriously like in ranked games it's alot of fun. So the childish gameplay is not true do to the blood, explosions, and the fact that the sheild makes sense, I mean it's supposed to be the future. So I garuntee you that UT3 is notgoing to get anything higher then a 9 and it will probably get like a 8.8 which is not bad and it'll probably be a good game, just not as good or popular as halo.
Okay phaserde occording to you Halo 3 suck's and thats your opinion, I can't tell you other wise it's not my place, but I will tell where you are wrong and my opinion. UT3 has mods for a console your right that is innovative but what else does it do. Probably the same old stuff the other one's so don't go saying that UT3 is so innovative and Halo 3 is not just cause UT3 does one thing different. I mean Halo 3 does a few things different, a map editor on a console shooter, replay films on a shooter. Now that is two things that in my oppinion are equaly innovative as the mods ting that UT 3 has, and what you said about Halo 3's graphics being barely better then the other Halo's, that's just stupid. Halo 3 has way better graphics then Halo 2 at first glance and when you pay attention to the textures and details it has so much better graphics then Halo 2. Also Halo 3 is not just Halo 2 remade, not even close as I mentioned before the features they added plus the equiptment, and all the other little things clearly take it away from being another Halo 2 in my opinion. And also if a game does get a 9.5 from gamespot and as you said games usually need to be 80% innovation, how good nust the gameplay be? I'll tell you right now it's amazing. Now a few more point's,in UT3 you shoot aliens and you have a very forgiving life system same as in Halo 3 but I garuntee you that Halo 3 has way better gameplay and is most likely much more finelly tuned.
I have to admit I was wrong, Halo 3 does not have good amount of customization. It has alot, I completely forgot about the Elites and their armor options and emblem. So Halo 3 has alot of customization because you can pick from like nine helmets shoulder's and chest options from the spartans alone plus the Elites have like 5 helmets shoulders and chests for them. And then there's emblem options, there is alot you can do with emblems and colors cause there is alot of logo's to choose from as well as backgrounds, and colors to choose from, so if you unlock all the stuff, and put some effort into it you could easily come up with a really cool profile that you would never see exact on someone else unless one of your friends copies you. So Halo 3 has alot of customization, almost as much as Rainbow six Vegas if not as much with all things considered. almost forgot you can also change the voice effects to a Womens and also alter the screen brightness at any time by pressing start, so even more stuff.
miyijura first off what kind of name is that, did you just type in random letters or somthing? Second have you played Halo 3 for at least a few hours? And third name some games that are way better or even a little better than Halo 3, cause I bet you can't. And Halo 3 did deserve a 9.5 and no way did it deserve anything lower than a 9.0 definately not a 8, and if you want to know why it deserved it's rating read my other comment about this matter, and if you still want more reasons and more detailed reasons just ask and look for my response, cause I have no problem proving someone wrong about Halo nor do I have a problem enlightening them to play Halo 3 and have a whole mess of fun for a few years.
I can't really say which Halo I liked best right now cause I have not really played Halo 3 enough, but I thought that Halo CE was way better than Halo 2's campaign, however, Halo 2's Muilti-Player was better than Halo CE's, so I guess they were equel in my opinion.
No I'm ot a 360 fanboy nor will I ever be, I just wanted tell GKclassor where he was wrong and bring him to terms that because he's a PS3 fanboy he'll never play one of the greatest games ever, and I feal sorry for him as do I to all who do not have Halo 3.
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