@andmcq You have to remember that they don't always get a choice of what version they review, it depends on what platform's the publisher sends the review copy for.
Its funny, this is the first time i've actually been interested in a CoD game, thought id actually get to join my friends online since all they play is CoD, FiFa and battlefield religiously and all my friends hate the damn game......
All this content about the new consoles is killing me. Ive made a pact with myself to not buy any of the new consoles until I've finished my back log of game's. I look at my pile of unplayed ps3 games see about 10, look at 360 see 3, then look on steam see 63 and just feel defeated. These first world problems.
@steve_esquire Have to agree, started playing Some time in spring and apart from a couple of asshole smurfs ive found ppl to be really nice, granted i'm still leveling up things will probably change in ranked.
@erMonezza while it obviously wouldnt be fair id love to play Halo with a mouse and keyboard, i suck so much with a controller even with the aim assist lol.
Beyond two souls is an adventure game pure and simple. The genre has existed for decades i don't see how they are suddenly not games because people don't like Beyond two souls.
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