Recently got a ps3 a couple of day ago aswell. I see inFAMOUS mentioned alot and ive got the 2nd one from Ps plus, is it worth putting off playing it and buying the first one?
Hicser03's forum posts
Thanks for the help and links guys, its ridiculous what Ps plus offers compared to Xbox live im quite blown away by the value for money.
Hi guys just got a ps3 today and signed up to PS plus , there are a ton of free games i wanna download, vanquish, sleeping dogs, limbo, guardians of middle earth, LBP2 and infamous 2 but i dont really want to spend my first day with a ps3 downloading all these games, just wondering if anyone knows when they will be taken off the free download list so i dont miss getting them.
To me after playing the first 2 games people have just been so desensitized to the idea of horror or whether it's going to be scary. You know what your getting into when playing this game now. to me it's just a captivating game and I feel that there's just never enough of it, it is enticing and at the moment never seems to ge old only better.
you hit the nail on the head. People seem to forget that part of what made dead space 1 scary was the fact you were new to the universe, your dropped into the game knowing nothing about why or what has happened of course sequels are going to get less scary because youve experianced the whole thing before.
Some games i really enjoyed and  are worth a look.
The dishwasher vampire smile- Action side scroller
Beyond good and evil- Action adventure
Outland- Platformer
Mark of ninja- Â Stealth action side scroller
Lara croft guardian of light- Isometric shooter with puzzles and fun co-op
Fez - 2d platformer
Bastion - isometric action rpg
I got all of these during deal of the week's so they might not be worth the full price to you, but Bastion, Mark of the ninja, Outland and Beyond good and evil are worth the full price imo.
FF7, Metal gear solid, Kotor, Super Metroid and Halo CE, but if i had to absolutely choose one probs be Kotor.
Scarygirl and Outland both on Xbla.
So does anyone recommend getting this game? Never played the first game. Still haven't played 4. The_Joker1721
Its great, the gameplay has aged really well and legendary is quite brutal compared to this gens halo's imo but thats a good thing. Its a shame you didnt play it before any of the others part of what made halo 1 so good was the mystery of the storyline and the big reveal at the end but i would still def reccomend it.
Yeah theres quite a few games i liked that got slated in reviews, Nier (soundtrack is amazing), Alpha protocol and Hunted the demon forge off the top of my head, but i dont usually use review as my sole source of infomation of whether i buy a game or not.
Just play RE4 and RE5 and don't give a damn about the story, because the RE games never really had a good story imo. The older ones are alright I guess, but you probably won't like the tank controls and general chunkiness.
Yeah i tried to play RE 2 the other day and it really hasnt aged well, although i love the old games they really arent necessary to understand RE4 and onwards just find a story run down on youtube or somthing if you that interested.
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