Since the official announcement of Diablo 3 by Blizzard at Blizzcon '08 I have been contemplating on whether or not I should once again start playing Diablo 2 after so many years. I was put off because I had heard and read numerous cases that Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction did not run properly on Windows Vista, and was plagued by a myriad of performance problems if the game even ran at all.
Earlier this week I was rummaging through my stuff and found my old copy of Diablo 2. I found myself with the incredible urge to install the game on my laptop right then and there to see if it would run. Unfortuanetly to my dismay after spending nearly ten minutes of switching out discs and copying files that Diablo 2 ran horribly slow and was absolutely unplayable. I mournfully uninstalled the game and once again locked the box away in the old storage chest at the foot of my bed.
The next day an extraordinary coincidence occurred. While visiting my daily gaming sites to check up on the latest news I saw that Blizzard had overhauled and read that one of the new features was allowing players to register their old Blizzard games and giving them the option of downloading them from whenever and wherever. I quickly rushed and registered both my Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction expansion and immediately started downloading the clients.
This was extremely beneficial considering I did not have to spend another ten minutes swapping discs and both games installed incredibly fast compared to when I had installed them the other day. Unfortunately the game still suffered from terrible frame rate issues but by this time I was determined to solve the problem. To my surprise had many solutions to this widespread dilemma and I managed to run the game completely fine in windowed mode.
Of course, while I was busy installing Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction my brother had taken notice and wanted to install the game as well. I burned the files onto a DVD-R and installed the game for him on his laptop and solved the problems he was also having. We then set up an TCP-IP game and played till about 4:00 AM this morning going through all of Act I and finally stopping to take a short nap after we had slayed Andariel.
After waking up today I came to the decision that I did not want to play throughout the entire game in windowed mode, so I once again began combing the internet for a better solution. After tweaking things a bit I managed to be able to run the game completely normal in full screen mode by changing the compatibility mode to Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and setting the application to run in 256 Colors, then changing the game to run using DirectDraw 2D instead of Direct3D.
After playing practically all night I can say that it feels good to be enjoying Diablo 2 again. I remembered that the game was addicting, and I had forgotten how fun it could be running around killing demons with friends. Now all I have to do is wait for Diablo 3.
HighSimSim Blog
Second Red Ring of Death
by HighSimSim on Comments
Well, today I got three Red Lights. Every now and then I rarely will get a Red Ring of Death when I turn my Xbox 360 on, but if I cut the power and turn it back on again it disappears. Well, unfortunately this time that wasn't the case. I did this process more than ten times, and each came up with the same result. So, my Xbox 360 is officially dead for a second time since I bought it.
My Xbox 360 has a Manufacture Date of 12/12/2005, having bought it for Christmas that year. The first time it died was in 2006, but luckily it was during an intermediary time between the release of games. I am blessed yet again by the timing of this death, since there are essentially no new games that I plan to buy until later this summer and during the holiday season.
What is most unfortunate for me is that I am no longer covered under warranty, and it will cost me $120 to send in for repair. Therefore, I have come to the decision to sell my broken console for some cheap cash and get a summer job to work up the money for a new Xbox 360 Elite and possibly a desperately needed HDTV to finally enjoy my games in high definition instead of on the 27" Panasonic Color Television I use now.
The Monsoon of Late 2008
by HighSimSim on Comments
Thankfully, as summer draws to a close, we are entering one of the wettest quarters in years! How wet?! It is what I like to call a monsoon! Finally, after all these months, the rains are once again starting to fall! It's a good thing too, since we've gone without rain for so long we may just as well die of drowning from soaking up all the rain that's coming!
It all starts in August, when Too Human, after spending years in development hell, is finally released. This game is sure to be a good one, with it's deep RPG elements and fast paced action, all on top of it's incredible story based off of Norse mythology. I will admit, only being allowed to play with one other friend in cooperative mode is a downer, since I've played the E3 2008 demo and think the game would be a lot more fun with four Baldurs running around. Although, the story and gameplay elements alone may be enough to lure me into buying this game. We shall see when the time comes.
Then, come September, the next wave of games hit. First up is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. This is a game I've been looking forward to, but I'm mostly interested in the story, as I want to see how well it has been handled, and how engrossing the story will be. I'm also impressed by the game's visuals and technology, but I fear the gameplay may be a bit lacking. Although the prospect of having over the top Force powers is intriguing, simply going around levels killing storm troopers with lightning and a lightsaber is something I've done many times before.
Then we have Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway in late September. This is a game I am really excited to play. I visuals are impressive, and the gameplay is really fun and exciting (It's fun pinning some Krauts down under fire and flanking around to riddle them with lead). Ubisoft has earned my respect for keeping the Brothers in Arms series true to the real life details of every mission they reenact. I loved the first game, and I'm sure I'll love Hell's Highway much the same, maybe more.
The last game in September that I'm really focused on is Silent Hill: Homecoming. I've been a fan of this series since the first Silent Hill on the Playstation. Silent Hill, along with Resident Evil and Dino Crisis is one of my favorite horror series, and I can't wait to jump back into the damned foggy town I know and love to get the crap scared out of me once again. Other games coming out in September that I wish I had the money to buy are Spore and X3: Terran Conflict.
I really am sad that I will have to miss out on Spore for some time, since I've been both intrigued and excited about the gameplay of the game for months now. I looked foward to taking my creature from a single cell to conquerors of the Universe. X3: Terran Conflict was set to quench my thirst for a deep space exploration experience (Yes, even deeper than the Space Phase of Spore), although depending on how much it will cost I still may be able to nab this one.
As you can see, the rains that are to come in August and September are at the front of the storm. They are the signs of an even bigger downpours coming this way. In October, some of the games I've waited months to play will be released. What are these games you ask? First up we have Far Cry 2, another game from Ubisoft. I am drawn to this game for it's open ended gameplay, the large scale game world that takes place in Africa, and the interesting game mechanics that will allow for some memorable moments. The fact that your buddies can really die and not return is interesting, and the numerous ways to screw with the AI is also interesting (And entertaining).
After Far Cry 2 is Fallout 3, from one of my favorite video game developers/publishers, Bethesda Softworks. The game looks awesome, and the sheer variety of things you can do in Fallout 3 is amazing. Bethesda has learned their mistakes from Oblivion and have implemented this into Fallout 3, which will make the game that much better. The ability to take things from your environment and make new weapons, the different ways to complete missions, the way combat works, all these things are what keep me interested in this game. I can't wait to play it.
Next up we have Saints Row 2. What can I say about Saints 2? A bigger environment, more activities, more customization options, cooperative play, a bigger and grander story, new vehicles, new weapons, better multiplayer. I think that about covers it.
One day after Saints Row 2 is released, Tom Clancy's EndWar hits shelves. This is a game that is sure to be fun. Built from the ground up to be a console RTS game. The visuals look incredible, the gameplay looks fun, and the online Theatre of War will keep me playing this game for weeks after it's release. The game offers unit customization, and your units gain experience for every battle they win, and thus get more efficient at killing. Add that to the rocks-paper-scissors type gameplay and it looks like matches are sure to be intense and fun to play.
Now, probably the number one game I'm looking forward to this year: Fable 2. There is so much you can do in this game it's not even funny. Buy everything, kill anyone, have sex, have children, get married. You can affect how certain environments develop throughout the game, a feature called dynamic environments, so that if you choose to trade with a small trader outpost, it may become a thriving village or town a couple of years down the road. I like the whole alignment system and how it plays out now as well. You can now be good but corrupt, evil but pure, or go full monty and be evil and cruel or good and kind. Add cooperative play on the fly through Xbox Live or same-system and it adds that much to the game.
And finally, the last game of the Great Monsoon of Late 2008 is Gears of War 2. A no brainer for anyone who has an Xbox 360, and a great reason to have Xbox Live. Epic Games have made a bunch of improvements over the original Gears so that multiplayer will be more fun this time around. The visuals look impressive, although they are not a complete overhaul from the first game. Cooperative play with four player this time around, which will add to the fun. I look forward to playing this over the winter along with all the other great games I've mentioned.
With so many amazing games coming out, this may be the best couple of months of gaming in the past couple of years. There is simply no shortage of good games, and there will be something to play for everyone. Now, all I have to do is find the money for all of them.
Spring and Summer '08
by HighSimSim on Comments
Well, '08 has been good so far, although it hasn't been that great. In January I finally purchased Call of Duty 4 after a month of deciding whether or not it would be worth jumping into a game I love, but know is plague ridden with proners, campers, and general noobs that use spray and pray weapons. So, I've been playing CoD4 with Godskilla over the weeks when my college internet is tolerable, and just recently we decided to enter "Prestige Mode" despite seeing all the "Gold Crosses" and other prestigious players ranting about low levels being noobs and other players not being at their skill level.
Last month I purchased Dawn of War: Soulstorm and played through the single player campaign as the Sisters of Battle. I have yet still to play as all the other races, mainly because I've become focused on passing my classes and attempting to get some skill at Day of Defeat so I can actually roll with the higher caliber players that play for the Cyberathletic Amatuer League and at LANs. It is because my brothers and I are planning on competing in CAL for fun over the summer, and the little obstacle of having to get a summer job to help pay for college, that I came to realize I would have neither the time nor cash to be playing Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures, so I can pretty much say that I have lost interest in that game.
Aside from those two games, which believe me are fun, not one relatively decent game has taken my interest, which is why I must look foward to what games are being released in what is left of Spring and what is coming in the Summer. The closest game which I'm sure mostly everyone is looking foward too would have to be Grand Theft Auto IV, which comes out April 29th. I cant tell you how excited I am about this game. I just cant wait to pop that disc in and stroll around Liberty City in all it's high def glory. Not to mention the multiplayer! Well, anyways, after GTA IV I have some tough decisions to make. The next big influx of games that I want to buy comes in June, that is unless some release dates change.
June is a big shooter month, as Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, Unreal Tournament III for the Xbox 360, and Battlefield: Bad Company are released. This brings a tough decision to make since I only have so much cash to go around, which limits me to one, possibly two games. Out of the three, I am probably more excited about Hell's Highway, just because I like the gameplay mechanics that the Brothers in Arms franchise has going. I've been waiting a long time for UT3, as Unreal Tournament has always been a fun game for me to play. Finally, although Battlefield: Bad Company seems interesting, if the gameplay is anything like the Closed Beta, I might have to pass. I'll have to wait and see on how much cash I have around then and how I feel to make a decision on which game(s) to buy, however.
Depending on if I have enough spare money from my summer job(s), I may be able to buy all three games. If not, well, I can settle for one. No matter what happens, I just hope these games can hold me off till Fall '08 when the really good games start coming out, like Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Too Human, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Empire: Total War, Saint's Row 2, Tom Clancy's EndWar, and Spore.
Bad Internet, Mass Effect, and the Elder Scrolls MMO
by HighSimSim on Comments
Well, college is going great for me. It is a lot different from high school, but in a good way. You're not forced to go to classes, and living in a college dorm is an experience everyone should go through. Being on a floor with people from all of the nation, and sometimes the world, makes for some unique conversations.
There is one problem that I have had throughout the three months I've been away from home. It isn't that fact that I'm in the middle of nowhere, or that there is only one movie theater in the whole damn town, or waking up at four in the morning and seeing two kids passed out in the bathroom with vomit everywhere. Nope, the single problem at my college is the absolutely terrible internet connection.
Now, the campus does provide a relatively good internet service, but when you are on the same network, sharing it with fourteen thousand other residents, the internet starts to slow down and even come to a crashing halt.
The above left image shows a speedtest I did on a normal day, and the above right image shows a speedtest I did yesterday before I left for home, when everyone had already gone home for Thanksgiving break. You can clearly see the difference. Now that I'm at home, my download speed is again through the roof, but as usual, my upload speed suffers terribly. It seems I can never win.
So, because the interent at my college is so damn bad, I have been forced to decide on whether or not to purchase games that I have been waiting months for. I was planning on getting Call of Duty 4, but seeing as how I wouldn't be able to play online without horrible lag (except on the weekends when everyone is out partying or very late at night, which would be considered very early in the morning), I have decided to opt out of buying the game completely.
Thus, if I am forced to not purchase any multiplayer games till the internet gets better or I rent an off campus apartment with my brothers, then I must settle for single-player only games. I recieved my reserved copy of Assassin's Creed last Tuesday, and played the crap out of it. I beat the game, but I am going to go back to my memories and search out the last fourteen or so remaining Templars and roam the cities and Kingdom for the rest of the flags.
This coming Tuesday is when Mass Effect comes out, and I cant tell you how much I'm looking foward to it. I've been trying to stay away from as many Mass Effect related forums as possible, so the don't unknowingly stumble upon story spoilers. I just can't wait to pop in the game disc and create my Commander Shepard (Cmdr. Netanus Shepard ;)) and start cruising around the galaxy.
I expect Mass Effect to win Game of the Year, and I haven't even played it yet! Although, who knows, if the Halo fanboys vote in numbers like they always do, then Halo 3 will inevitably steal the glory. Lets just hope gamers vote for the game they truly think deserves the award, and not because of it's popularity.
And, finally, lets talk MMO. So, everyone once is a while the topic of MMOs come up in conversation, and we always seem to talk about if so and so made an massively multiplayer online game based on so and so, it would be the "end all-be all" mmo. I remember talking about the Warhammer 40k MMO when the phrase was used, and even when talking about the possible Knight of the Old Republic MMO.
Recently, Bethesda announced they are working on, and have been working on, an Elder Scrolls MMO. At first I didn't believe. Bethesda always said they would never venture into the massively multiplayer genre, that they were solely focused on created high quality single player games. But, my speculation changed when Pete Hines let it slip that they are infact working on an Elder Scrolls MMO. Now, I believe that, if anything, Bethesda has most of their work cut out for them, as the Elder Scrolls practially speaks as an MMO.
Bethesda doesn't have to think of how they would go about doing the MMO, because everything they would ever need is already there. Unlike the Warhammer 40k MMO or the KOTOR MMO, where the game developers must clearly think about how to make the game work and stay true to the lore (and also deciding what players can and can not do), all Bethesda has to do is tackle the task of recreating (or creating) all of Tamriel in it's entirety and allow the players complete freedom as with all the previous Elder Scrolls games.
Of course, the provinces would have to be expansive, more expansive than they have been in previous games. Vvardenfell and Cyrodiil were much to small, and if the Elder Scrolls MMO contains all of Tamriel, the landmass would have to be increased a bunch-fold to allow thousands of players to play in a single world at one time. Bethesda has to allow players to create their characters like any other previous game, and then place them in their race's home province.
Think of the possibilities: Provincial Wars (Skyrim vs. Morrowind, High Rock vs. Hammerfell, etc.), Akaviri Invasion, Guild Wars (Fighters Guild vs. Theives Guild, Mages Guild vs. Fighters Guild, etc.), or even hostile encounters between the various Daedric Cultists (Mehrunes Dagon cultists vs. Molag Bal cultists), or even Daedra followers vs. Aedra followers! Now, all that would satisfy my Elder Scrolls lust a million times over, but thinking on it more, Bethesda could blow everyone's minds and go further than anyone can imagine. Think about Intra-Provincial Wars, such as the Colovian Estates in Cyrodiil or the Great Houses of Morrowind.
As you can probably tell, I am clearly excited about the Elder Scrolls MMO. I've been a fan of the Elder Scrolls and Bethesda in general ever since Arena, and I can't wait to see how Bethesda takes this game and runs with it.
Delays Galore!
by HighSimSim on Comments
Well, it's now a little less than halfway through August. I have exactly one week left before I have to head out to Campus. However, I'm not here to talk about the beginning of my college experience, I'm hear to talk about delays. Again, "It NEVER ceases to amaze me".
I have been waiting for a number of games this year, ever since early January, and sometimes even last year in '06: Spore, Too Human, Mass Effect, Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Age of Conan, Unreal Tournament III, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Fable 2. After seeing what the multiplayer looked like in Medal of Honor: Airborne, I lost interest, as well as Two Worlds, which didn't interest me after they released gameplay footage at IGN, and after learning that console versions are limited to 8 Player Coop when the PC gets an entire MMO aspect.
So, here we are, in the middle of Q3 '07, and not a single game that I've been waiting for. I purchased Shadowrun for the 360 and played that for the better part of the summer along with my friends and clan allies over in the Angels of Apocalypse. We even made a CAL team, but the CAL Shadowrun League went downhill even before the regular season started. Now, with the prospect of college literally right around the corner, I am in desperate need of some fresh games to keep me busy.
Unfortunately, as you may know, almost every single game that was supposed to be released either in Q3 or Q4 '07 has been delayed. Aside from a few games, like Fable 2 and Spore, which are either still in early to middle development or was previously delayed to next year. Too Human, either because of legal rights with an ongoing case with Epic Games, or the simple fact of needing more time to polish the game, is delayed to '08 as mentioned at E3 this year. Also at E3, Sony announced that Unreal Tournament III would be exclusive to their console until '08, which means I wont be played it till then. One shocking delayment was that of GTA IV, which had been set for October 16th '07 from it's announcement at E3 '06. GTA IV is now delayed to '08 as well because of the need for more polishing, but the need for more money is more likely the case. And finally, just announced yesterday, Age of Conan is now delayed from it's previous release date of October 30th '07 to March 25th '08.
While these delayments severely limit my gaming library for the rest of this year, there are still a few games that have not been delayed that I will most definitely pick up because of my predicament. Call of Duty 4 is looking incredible, and since it's being made by Infinity Ward, I am being promised the same gratifying multiplayer experience that I had in Call of Duty 2. And also, because of a new Party System and new multiplayer aspects, I think CoD4 will keep me pinned to the television screen for weeks to come. Another game that hasn't been delayed is Mass Effect. Over the summer, I purchased the prequel novel, Mass Effect: Revelation, which filled me in on the incredible background of the Mass Effect universe, while also delivering a interesting story of what happened a couple of years before the game. I look forward to playing both Mass Effect and Call of Duty 4 in November, that is, unless they get delayed as well...
And now, finally, there is but one more game that hasn't been delayed, and it comes out near the end of next month. Yes, it is Halo 3. Now, believe me, I have spent some time thinking about this before I made my decision. I have taken into account the extreme failure Halo 2 was for me and a few others out there: The seemingly endless community of prepubescent children, the horribly unbalanced weapons, the unbelievable amount of exploitable glitches, the inexcusably high number of modders, the proxy chat, etc. It is everything that killed Halo 2 for me, hell even the singleplayer story was rushed to get the game out the window. However, I have hopes that Bungie will not screw around this time. I have hopes that they will not deliver a terrible game, or atleast not as terrible as the rushed Halo 2.
Considering all these things, and the fact that practically nothing is coming out till November at the earliest, I have decided to purchase Halo 3. I just hope my decision doesn't come to bite me in the ass. That being said, I will still be looking at gameplay footage to the day it comes out, and if it doesn't look like Bungie has delivered, then I will cancel my order. There are a couple of intriguing features that has caught my eye about Halo 3, however. I like the idea of the Saved Film, since it allows me to capture and keep the most memorable moments when playing with friends on Live, and I also like the new customization options, and the simple mechanism to mute players who are idiots, something that I imagine will come in handy. I just hope Halo 3 isn't easily moddable, and I hope that the glitches that will no doubt be found within a few hours after Halo 3's release will be fixed quickly in a patch.
Here's to hoping that no other games get delayed, and I also want to wish everyone I know who is going to College a fun time. Hopefully the incredible amount of things to do at college wont keep us from playing together, in whatever game we choose to play. Have Fun!
Spore Delayed (Again) & Late '07 Games
by HighSimSim on Comments
See what I mean when I said "Never ceases to amaze me"? Just when I was actually getting back into Spore, creating creature concepts and dreaming about Spore's seamingly incredibly fun gameplay, I was hit smack in the face with the words "No more Spore in '07". Wow.
Now, this news really, really sucks. Why? Because I was getting a top-notch laptop for college, which would have allowed me to play Spore on the highest settings. I was really excited. But no, the game was delayed...again. But, when I really sat down and thought about it, I came to the conclusion that I guess I can wait just a few more months till Spring '08 to explore (and exploit ;)) my own sandbox galaxy. Until then, Age of Conan will be occupying my laptop :P
Aside from that terrible news, there are a lot of increasingly interesting games that I have been looking at, some of which I already plan on buying in the winter, in late '07. There are, of course, the games I have mentioned before: Grand Theft Auto 4, Unreal Tournament III, and Halo 3. However, since my last entry, I have become increasingly obsessed with many more games besides the aforementioned three. First up is Mass Effect. I've been dying for an RPG ever since Oblivion, and it looks like Bioware will deliver that to me. Mass Effect has an incredible story that I'm already immersed in (I plan on buying the novels with they come out), and I cant wait to start exploring the Milky Way in my Normandy.
Another game I'm looking foward to, probably the most out of them all, is Too Human. At first I blew this game off because it seemed like a button masher, combo-whore game, but man when I started reading up on it, I couldn't get enough. Too Human is like the next-gen Diablo (Minus the Prime Three and the Worldstone :o) in regards to item collecting & augmenting, class system, skill tree system, and many different types of weapons and armor to choose from. Silicon Knights have promised that the character progression is so varied that it is possible to have a completely different Baldur from another player, even if that player is the same class as you.
Although I am already super excited about those details, the other thing that makes me crazy about this game is the story. In essence, Silicon Knights already have half their work cut out for them, as the basis of Too Human's story is Norse Mythology. If you know Norse mythology, then you can pretty much guess how the story goes, but Silicon Knights has said that they've added and changed and raped a few legends and myths to their liking, for an even better story experience.
What else can I say? As you can probably tell, I am really excited about Too Human. There are so many things I like about this game. Yet another reason why I am crazy about Too Human is the 4 Player Seamless Cooperative Play. At any point in the game, any one of your friends can join with their own version of Baldur and come and quest with you, and still maintain the experience and items they gained while playing. It's like Diablo in that sense, but it may also be compared to Phantasy Star Universe or even Crackdown (Minus the whole having to start over when your friend joins or leaves your game part ;)).
But enough about Too Human, I could talk for pages more worth of text. After Too Human comes Medal of Honor: Airborne. Airborne is probably the first Medal of Honor game I am really looking foward to. Let's not talk about story with this one, since I pretty sure we all know the underlying basis for all WW2 shooters, lets talk more about gameplay and graphics. The gameplay of Airborne is finally catching up to the better FPS games out there, featuring a lot of interesting and exciting mechanics that will make playing the game a lot more fun than any of the previous MoH games. The graphics of Airborne just blow me away, and I can say that this is obviously the best damn looking WW2 shooter I've ever seen (Aside from Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway).
I like the fact that you can start missions anywhere you like, since you parachute out of a C-47 to the mission zone, like Paratroopers actually do, and I really love the fact that you can tackle the mission any way you choose. It's like a sandbox shooter, and God knows I love sandboxes.
I guess you can say that I am really excited about late '07. I know I will have a hell of a lot of fun playing these wonderful games, but even more fun pwning with my friends. Until next time.
Delays, Delays, Delays
by HighSimSim on Comments
So far, 2007 is pretty boring. No new good games have come out recently, save Battlestations: Midway (And that's about good for only about a week). With all the delays, we have to wait longer and longer for the good games to arrive. Late 2007 looks good, though.
So, lets get started. First up is the delays, as the blog title clearly fleshes out. Two Worlds, which was supposed to come out in March, was moved to May, and the 360 version was moved back even further. Although, they are adding an MMO multiplayer element instead of the eight player coop. If that makes it to the 360 version, then I'd say it will be worth the wait.
What else got delayed? Oh yes, Age of Conan. That gorgeous game slipped through our fingers by a whole year. Perhaps it will be worth the wait, but I guess it's to early to tell. EA has recently stopped production on LOTR: The White Council, so I wont be running around in a fully third dimensional Middle Earth any time soon. Also, we wont be seeing Mass Effect in May either, which is one game I can't wait to play.
Spore was another delay. Will is apparently making the game simpler to use, which I guess isn't a bad thing. So, I guess you're asking "What now?". Well, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 is looking really good, since there is no plans on delaying it as of yet. Graw 2 deserved much more attention than I was giving it. With a new spawn system, graphics, and full fledged clan support? Can't wait.
What else? They recently announced Unreal Tournament 3, previously Unreal Tournament 2007, for the PS3 and Xbox 360. I'll be looking into that game more over the following weeks. I'm keeping my hopes up that Bungie doesn't screw up Halo 3 like they did Halo 2. Lets all just hope those twelve year olds keep their mouths shut. And, of course, Grand Theft Auto 4 is coming out in October. Rockstar better not delay that game.
If all goes well, 2007 will be a year to remember.
Outlook for 2007
by HighSimSim on Comments
As of right now, I am looking at a multitude of games that I wouldn't mind playing. For the Xbox 360, I am currently waiting for: Two Worlds, Fable 2, LOTR: The White Council, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 3, Halo 3, and Star Wars 2007. For the PC, I'm currently looking at Spore, which I think will be very fun to play, and also Battlefield 2142, which comes out in another five days or so.
I preordered both Call of Duty 3 and Battlefield 2142, and should be playing both shortly. I'm still waiting for more info on Project Offset and Project IM. Other than that, I'm not looking foward to much.
Project Offset - Epic Fanatasy FPS
by HighSimSim on Comments
Wow. When I first saw the gameplay footage in the short but sweet sneak peaks of this game, I couldn't believe it. It looks so damn good. Plus, normal matches online can holds up to 64+ people and can last from a half-hour to eight hours! Cant wait to see if it makes it!
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