First Blog
by HilaryDuffGta on Comments
Hey Everyone Im new here Jericho6 invited me to join we know each other From i thought i'd join up and make friends since i been keeping up with this Anti gamer bs thats been going on for a while.My own personal opinion about it is its become too much and just a waste of time and money.I can understand some people being offended by games Like The Gta series and Manhunt.But what a lot of people should and wont understand is that Video games are now a adult market.Its Now a Adult Toy and kids as young as 8 years old shouldnt be having Gta unless the parent knows something about the game (lets face it parents are the reason we are dealing with this hole "lets save the children" Bs) Lol Ok i better stop now before i start ranting cause once i start i usually go for a while.Nice to meet everyone here and feel free to message me to chat anytime