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HildeSerious Blog

I am at college and I hate my life :3

I am currently at college, bored of my ass, and I really want to go home.
Now my friend is playing Maple Story. WHY? Why do people play this horrible childish game, I don't get it ):
It's all just like Gaia and what not, just looks like something for ten year olds if you ask me. Or someone who is really stoned.

We usually play games such as CounterStrike and Halo (; Which is actually quite cool. I don't like shooters at all, but when you get on the schoolserver, it's always surprising how many people from different ****s (I don't get why this is censored... let's just say groups?) are playing together, happy happy joy joy :3
Too bad I suck.

This blog probably didn't make any sense, but oh well it's a good way to distract myself from this terrible assignment. And I guess I'll have to post blogs anyway, to be all cool and fit in. :3

I wish I could play some Fable II when I get home... Homework should be illegal.
Not like I actually do it...
