Ok first off sorry for the lackluster, but honest post I made last night. I had just finished playing the demo and was feeling bitter. The reason why was because I was thinking pretty hard about where the gaming industry was going and it made me upset, which is why I had only 1 word to say "-sucked-". But it's not fair for me to say that because I'm making it seem like only this game sucked, but in-fact what I'm really trying to say is that the majority of new games coming out "suck". The reason being is that there seems to be no true character involvement anymore. And what I mean by this is that when you play games from the past versus games of now it seems like all the games now feel to arcady. Press triangle, square, circle, circle, L2+X, L1, etc, etc. I don't know about you guys but that is NOT skill. This is button smashing for the dumb, and we humans are NOT dumb. We deserve more credit when it comes to computers and gaming, but the problem is that most gamers don't like to challenge themselves during games so they settle for easy, pick me up games, to settle their gaming urge, leaving out the ones who want more of an in-depth challenge out in the cold. Basically said this style of gaming is TOO aracady and has no true depth. I can't get into details because there is SO much for me to write that I simply don't have the time to write it (got to go to work in 15 minutes).
Final note, without sounding 100% negative, this game does have some cool features, but unfortunately I won't be buying this game. I will rent it for sure but buying it is out of the question. I'm 33 years old and I deserve more respect as a gamer then this button smashing approach. Although at times I would challenge myself by doing combos, it still feels too easy and lackluster. I know instantly when a game is bad when I feel like not playing it after a short while. I know subconsciously something is wrong and I have shut down my impulses to play. I don't know why but it's my brain telling me something is wrong.
But good luck to all those who enjoyed this game, I'm sure you'll find many cool things to do once you get it.
-sucked- :(Hiliary
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