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Hinata_Namikaze Blog

Australia goes crazy!!!! (Also, whats American schools like??)

We all know its the start of a new year.

A Tv news channel was filming in a capital city called "Sydney" in Australia, and it showed the host reporting live from a show ground area, and behind him, were all these blokes, doing stupid things, then one guy goes up to the host and kisses him on the ears and cheeks, then runs away, whilst others were just really really really undiscribable lol.

Now for American schools!

I've watched alot of movies, that show what American schools are like.

I see freshmans getting bashed, people making threats, rascism, the black people hate the white, whilst the black hates the whites, people get killed if they make a little threat to you, people get killed or bash, if someone looks at you or something!

Is that what its really like in America?????????

A sh*t Happy New Year, and birthday news!!!!!

This is my last blog for 2007!!!!!

Well another yr as gone past, and I go older!
(The day you're born, is the day you start dying.)
(When people say that Practise makes Perfect, but others say, nothing is perfect??? Hmmmm)
(Live your life, likes it's your last!)
(Regret nothing)

I wish everyone a Happy/Sh*t New Year.

Why Sh*t? Well I'll tell you!!! (Duhh :P )

Well me birthday is on New Years Eve right, and it was poruing down with rain, so I couldn't go anywhere, until it stopped raining, and I was able to go to Wet"n"Wild again. When I got there, it started to rain, but I didn't care anywayz.

New Year is gonna be Sh*t for Australians. Because it's raining :cry:

The good news is on my birthday, I got a spray bottle, drink bottle, table fan, handly fan, and spray fan bottle in one!!! It's awesome!!!

Also, I got the chance to see alot of hot people (girls) at Wet"n"Wild (Not a Pedo.) AND I GET TO BE ON TV ACROSS QUEENSLAND AND GO INTO THE NEWS PAPER, BECAUSE I WAS SCREAMING OUT LOUD SAYING HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Well, I hope everyone has safe trips and a good 2007/2008. Have fun!!!

This is my last blog for 2007

And these are my last words on my blog for 2007.

2007 was the best/worst yr of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good-bye 2007!!!!!!!

It's my BIRTHDAY!!!!! (Invisible blog)

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!!!
(Highlight underneath)

Yes well today is my birthday! I'm so excited!!! For those who are confused of when my birthday is, it's now!!! December the 31st, which is New Years Eve!!

Today I'm waking up at 6:00am so I can have a fresh morning!

I'm gonna have a shower, eat food, oh and get changed of course :P Brush my gleeming white teeth lol.... and then get my mum to drive me to Wet "n" Wild, at 7:30am so I can reserve a seat and everything for my relatives.

I'm getting $100 from my mum and another $100 from my dad. and alot of kisses from my mum and auntie's :cry:

Then 2 days after my birthday, I'm going Go-Kart racing.


I've been waiting for 365 days for this moment!!!

I'm now old enough to get a job bahahahahahahaha

Well thanx everyone for those who is reading my special blog! :D

[spoiler] I also became Editor or Tyler Denk, who is a former champion of The Amazing Race. It's fricken awesome, because there's an Editor lounge for Editors only can chill (I think) [/spoiler]

Good-Night, I'm off to sleep!!! Fck it's raining :cry:

Don't LEAVE Heylingal!!!!! (Sign petition)

Please don't leave.

Screw all the people who don't like you and think that your a bad friend.

You don't have the problem, they do.

They can't change how you are. Have you ever thought if people like you the way you are????

You fun, and funni to talk with. Plus your tha biggest Itachi fan girl EVA!

Please don't leave, because you were one of the first friends I met on my other account

Help me everyone to stop Heylingal from going!

Just sign this petition!!



Yay, she isn't leaving!!! (Heylingal) We did it!!!!

High School of the Dead. (+MA, sorry lil kids)

Some of you MIGHT of seen the following movies:
Dawn of the Dead
Land of the Dead
Shaun/shawn of the Dead
28 days later
28 weeks later
Resident evil 1, 2, apocolypse and extinction
etc. :roll:

Well heres a new one for ya High School of the Dead.

It's a manga, that I'm ready, and it's fricken scarier than all the movies above. It's so scary and sad, I got 2 nightmares (Probably because I'm not over 15) I want everyone to read this manga, because I want you to experience that horrors that I faced. :twisted:

Heres the Url to the Manga!! Beware, its scary and awesome at the same time!!

Plus, for all you guys, it has some nudity in it :P

Have fun :twisted: Mwuahahahahahaha

Test your IQ!!!!

Well I'm going to test everyone's IQ!

The list below, will/are the people who have completed the CODE!

The lower your number is, the smarter you are, but the higher your number is, the dumber (No offence)



Here it is!

Difficult Lvl:


Clue: Not all numbers represent the same letter. So say if a #2 represents the letter "A", then not all #2's are going to be 2. Brb, my Phone is ringing!!! :D

37 minutes later!

PM me the answer, once you get it. I will be really surprised when you get it.

Before you start, please type in the date and time of when you started, so that when you finish it (If you do :P ) I can calculate the difference between the time when you started and finished.

Well good-luck!

All of you have NO CHANCE!

What did you get?????

Happy Boxing Day everyone!

Yesssss, nearly me birthday soon :P

Well from Santa, I got the following:


New Clothes

New Wallet

Mega Pass

Giant Table Tennis

Ping Pong

Pool (Not the water one, the balls one)

Those soccer things, where you have to turn the handles

More clothes

Nintendo DS



and More Clothes :P

But, I didn't really wanted them, because I feel sorry for the ones wh aren't getting anything :cry:

Whilst I'm out enjoying myself, I bet no one thought of Jesus's birthday, and that people were dying on the day!

Well enough sympathetic talking and more SPAMMING :D

Well I want to know what everyone got!!!!

Happy Birthday, and Merry Christmas, to ALL

Happy Birthday to Jesus! He is now, 2008 yrs old.

Other than that, MERRY CHRISTMAS....
Well I hope everyone has a safe holiday!

You can spam, fight watever! Anything to make my blog get 3 pages lol...

anywayz, my family and I are going to this sh*t place that we've been going to, for the last 4 yrs!!!!

I guess it's turned into a family tradition

Well, by everyone, and Merry Christmas!

How tough are you parents????

Well christmas is coming up in 11 more hrs and 33 minutes. (Australian time)

I alread know what I'm getting!

I'm getting a Mega Pass.

It allows me to go to 3 themeparks for 1 yrs for FREE!!!

I get to go to Wet "n" Wild
and Seaworld.
Which cost's about $400 each, and my parents are getting 5!!! (I think)

The my mom is getting me $100
and so if my dad! So that's $200
and all together that's $600 spent on me!

Then my sisters are buying me some Naruto stuff!!!

And My two older sisters are getting me the same thing, so I'm very grateful, but I also feel sorry for the less unfortunate!

So my mum and dad are spending $1,800 on Me, and my two older sisters, and I still have 3 little sisters to go, and 3 little brothers. and then she has to buy my dad and family things, so it's really tough for her.

Then 6 days after christmas is my brithday!

I'm getting another $100 for my parents, each!

Then she is paying for alot of people to go into Wet "n" Wild.

8 Days after my birthday is my older sister's birthday, so she has to spend more!

I feel so useless! My mum wakes up at 3:00am on weekdaysand even on saturday!

She works 13 hr's a day! and then she has to look after 6 kids!
she also has to do the shopping, laundry, and dinner and pay the rent.
Then she has to drive around to pick my sister up and all!

That's why I've never left the house this yr! Because she has done too much! She shares a bed wih my 2 baby brother and sisters! and they cry!

She doesn't even get a rest on sunday!

So how tough are your parents?????


This is Koi's story everyone!

H_N: I'm here...

Me: Guess what??

H_N: Get to the point already....

Me: Someone gave our family a Wii forChristmas.YeahI know it's not about the present, so don't lecture me bout it plz.

H_N:Kool!!! Doyou have any games!?

Me: Just Wii sports, but its really fun.

H_N: Kewl!!! CanI play!!??

Me: H3ll yeah bro!!

H_N: NaruHina forever!!!

Fanboys: *Fight H_N*

Me: I'll help you.

*I help him*

*5 miinutes later*

H_N: Only 200 left

*5 minutes later*

Me: Doyou like my Wii's!!!??

H_N: Yeah, there awesome!!!


HG: Let's destroy the town now, except Koi. We'll do him last.

D_S: What about H_N

HG: He's not the main character

D_S: And....

*They go destroying the town*


H_N:I like this bowling game.

Me: My fave is the baseball.

H_N: Kool.


HG: So this is the g@y guy's pad.

D_S: Hehas a girl's name as his username. Woopdy friggin doo.

*They destroya house*

D_S: Well he wasn't there. Just some kids and his parents.

HG: You mean, we killed innocent people with no reason .

D_S: Yeah.

HG: This is the best day of my life.


Mymom:pl;z go 2 ur room now.


me:you can sleep in my mother bed

*we look out the window*

us:holy $h!t

hn: i need to go to my parents house

me:mom we're going out 4 a sec

mom: bye love you

me: love you to and dad

dad:Love you

*we go outand run to his house*

hn: *cries* i may have hated my sibling but i didn't want them to die

me:i'm sary dude we need to check our sensei

*we run there*

me:well hes alive but knocked out

hn:lets go back to ur house

*we walk backand see this*

hg:heh do u think they'll come or be cowards

ds:ha there right there lets ask them

hn: you little ************************************** i'll rip ur **** right off ur ********* and ***** ur ****** right up ur ***************

ds:we'll be in our lair we'll let u live 4 now

end of chapter