i put story but for me its about 50% story 25% gameplay and 25% mgoi played on the beta for ages and ive been basically sitting in the corner crying cos i cant have it yet =[NEXT THURSDAY PEOPLE!!RAWWR!hehe
i have the hitman movie =]also KoRn:life is peachy, see you on the other side, untitled and unpluggedi have the video of KRn performing Have live!tis good =]
i have a wonderfull massive collection of four games..........but my lowest rated one would be medal of honour airbournenote how i spelt honour and airbourne correctlythe game lists them as honor and airborne
Well, my favorite character was Yue Ying and I hate what KOEI did with her. Her face looks kinda ugly now Aysukewellin legend she was supposed to be ugly anyhooand for the favourite character mine(jiang wei) was removed from the game =[they did make zhang he alot better though =]took away cao pi's sword AND WTF IS WITH HAVING ONLY 17 MUSOU STORYS DESPITE HAVING 40 ODD CHARACTERS?grr
Konami did state that on the 17th april the beta would be on the store for our free downloading pleasurei recently went onto a teaser site about mgo and amogsnt all the noobish stuff like what it is i found this "The Metal GearĀ® Online Beta download will be available from April 17th to May 5th and the game play will be available from April 21st to May 5th."so we cant play it til mondayhere is the link if you wanna check out the sitehttp://www.konami.jp/mgo/us/index.html
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