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Ho11iday Blog

I Need to be Unemployed

No, really, I do.  I need to become that slacker who sits around and mooches off his parents playing video games all day.  It would at least allow me to catch up on this stuff.  My father has a plaque that used to hang in his office that said "So many courses, so little time" refering to golf.  Well I need one for gaming.

I recently got an Xbox 360 and I am actually quite enamored with it.  I definitly still have the blood of a PC gamer but I'll be damned if I am not surprised with Microsoft's offering.  The first 2 or 3 weeks after purchasing it I just dissappeared from most of my PC stomping grounds (much to the dismay of those I play EVE online with).  However, now that the "oooo shiny new toy" feel has worn off my playtime is more reasonable.  I have gotten back to the joys of BF2 and UT2004 as well as EVE.  I still can't go a day without grabbing a trophy in Project Gotham Racing 3 or just staring at waterfalls in Kameo.

I felt the original Xbox was unecessary if you had a high powered PC.  Most of its good titles were PC ports or ported to PC.  I am finding out, and I think the Xbox team has learned, that being like a PC is not a bad thing for a console.  If anything the xbox 360 has become more like a PC in terms of functionality.  It has sort of celebrated its PC roots by taking some great compliments to gaming the PC can provide and making them seamless to the experience.  I can plug my iPod in and use it for custom sountracks or just to play through my home theater system.  I can stream movies, music and pictures off of my PC (although a bit tricky to set up).  I can download game demos on Live, movie trailers and all sorts of little things like gamer icons and dashboard themes.

The social impact has been the most unexpected.  I have non-gamer friends arranging small Xbox 360 parties at my house before they even tell me!  Perfect Dark Zero and Dead or Alive 4 are big hits.  My friend Sara and I have almost started a weekly ritual of playing PDZ late into the night.  It is hard to convince someone that the answer of "Why was she at your house till 4am?" is "Oh, we were playing video games".

My Xbox live name is DrNash so look me up if you feel like teaching me a thing or two in humility (I am still no pro with thumbsticks).

Two Journeys

This is the first (and perhaps only and last) journal entry I have here at Gamespot. I've never been too warm to the idea of journals (on or offline) but I figured I'd give it another go. The posts here, if any, I will try to make more than just about myself. Personal experiences will be used merely as a launch pad for other topics. I am already an editor on the website www.aelon.net which is a massblog with insights and perspectives on technology, gaming and various other aspects of our generation. But I thought I might as well use my Gamespot complete subscription to its fullest (you'll find out why).

I return home from a movie last night to find the trademark amazon.com box smiling at me from my desk. Some weeks ago I had ordered a gift and a CD on amazon.com. Those had arrived promptly but in order to get free shipping I had to toss on an extra $5 or so. I found the game "The Longest Journey" was right around that price. The game is something I have always wanted to play. It was on back order so I had forgotten all about it until it arrived; Christmas in July for certain. However, unknown to me was how prophetic the game's arrival would be. For shortly after, during installation even, I received a phone call from a good friend. In short the phone call was in regards to an apartment she had just found with a friend and them needing another roommate. The apartment is one of those opportunities you regret for not taking (if you are such a person to not take). These kind of situations require fast action but careful planning. I can sign my life and funds away in a blink of an eye so I had the action down. My friend is quite the planner; she is smart, knowledgeable and realistic when it comes to goals and prospects. A better set up there is not.

So here I am, 20 hours later (and 5 hours into the game I might add) fresh from handing over the security deposit and first month's rent. I'll be moved in within 8 days and embarking on possibly the longest journey of my own. This is my first time "leaving the nest" (I am only 20 years old). Excitement isn't the right word, but it's the first word to come to mind. While my journey isn't nearly as chaotic as April Ryan's in the game it is no less enjoyable. I am leaving on good terms with my parents. My mother has slight reservations about me living with two females, but that is just how she is. The apartment is massive and in pristine condition. The price is also right on the money.

But anyway, enough about me and more about this game. It has been said many times before but I must repeat; it is one of the best games ever made. The immersion factor is just incredible. It sucks you in like Half-Life 2 but without a first person perspective. I was amazed how effective the game is while maintaining a 3rd person perspective. There is not much else I can say about the game; the real beauty lies in the story and how each character develops. I highly recommend this game to anyone. I am going to introduce my two new non-gamer roommates too it promptly after we get settled. It is more of an experience rather than a game.

My switch over to new living accommodations means budgeting my funds will become a bit more important. Because of this I have cancelled all of my current unnecessary monthly subscriptions. World of Warcraft, FilePlanet, My Dedicated Server and some unused website space will all be frozen for a month or two. I've never done this "independent living" thing before and I do not want some unseen subscription slamming my bank right before I need to pay rent. Luckily I grabbed the GameSpot annual membership rather than the monthly (hence why I will make the most of it). GameCenter is my biggest concern since it appears the majority of my online gaming will be dedicated server based pickup games. UT2004, BF2, CS:S and more shall get much play while I test the waters in my new home. Hopefully GameCenter will have the right price since I could definitely use the server launching.

Anyways, here is to life changing events.