HoVDaHuSTLa1's forum posts
lol wat does mgs stand for??????????GODFATHERVII
lmao i was waitin for someone to vote on that one...wow
I didn't vote, but that's because there wasn't an option for my case.
I first tried out MGS 2 on the Xbox, but quit a few hours after the game switched to being focused on Raiden. (I remembered people griping about MGS 2 when I bought it, but didn't recall it was because of the character switch until I got to that part.)
Figuring I must not have liked the game largely because of Raiden, I went ahead and picked up MGS:TS for the Gamecube. Unlike with 2, I managed to make it through the end of the game but not without eyestrain from all of the eyerolling I was doing at the silly cutscenes and other exposition.
My tastes are just too focused on interaction and immersiveness as a player to enjoy a game that involves so much kicking back and watching the story unfold in cutscenes. If I wanted to watch something, I'd put in a DVD. Same goes for more recent FF games.
Definately got a point there, but as you play a MGS multiple times, you'll start catching new things in every cut scene. Besides, it wasn't till I played MGS the 3rd time that I accidentially found out that I could just skip right through fighting "The End", I never knew you were able to avoid fighting that lil old guy cause he's a pain in the you know what, but like I said, try each title more than once, and you'll see you'll like it more with the unlockable guns you get. Also, if you play a game after the first time, I'd doubt you have to continue watching all the cut scenes, that's what the "X" button is there for my friend
yeh I could agree, im a huge fan, im not gonna sit here and lie because believe me i've read posts of people beating MGS1 like 50times, which I highly doubt, but my stats go as follows:
NES: Reveng of Snake ..........Half way through, never completed (I was 9 and the damn spot lights always got me)
PS1: MGS1.........Once
PS2: MGS2 Substisance.........3times, Once on the Exbox
PS2: MGS3 Substisance........about 5 times (just because I really want to beat that guy on youtube's record on his MGS3 speed run)
PSP: Portable OPS........Got as far as unlocking the "Town" mission and sending a few troops out for more intel. I like it alot don't get me wrong, but that damn PSP screen keeps my eyes burning, keep in mind I work at the Marriot Hotel, so I use this device to surpass bordom........
but yeh that's my progress as of now, I plan on making MGS4 the first game I would ever play 10+ times, I'm shooting for 22 which is the age I would be when purchasing it......
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