Alright. I found this tutorial, or how-to or whatever you want to call it on youtube: Link.
After seing it I thought what the hell, seems like it's a piece of cake, so i gave it a try.
Note: This is not a tutorial, it just shows that it is simple because I was able to do it.
Ok, well first of here are the tools i used:
Allright, A blowtorch, a grinder, a Dremel wannabe, some Dremel bits and a vice. You can do without the vice and grinder, but it's easier with 'em.
Ok, so I took a hacksaw blade, and with the dremel , cut it in half.
Now, I took some templates i found on the web, and glued it on the blade, and let it dry in the vice.
Now i used the dremel to outline the lockpick template by grinding away the black colour from the blade.
This makes the grinding part easier, because I found that the template got destroyed if it as much as got
close to the grinder wheel. also the paper dosen't stay white, so it blended into the painted metal.
Now, using the grinder, grind away untill you come close to the
edge of the template and use the Dremel for the details.
At this stage i used the Dremel for the finetuning and polishing.
Here is a finished pick.
Useful links:
MIT Lockpicking guide here
Greg Millers guide to lockpicking here
The lockpickshop.coms guide here