I have been busy so I havn't posted in a lonnnnngg time, mostly it's been because of CAL season starting up again for CSS. We started the season with 2 forfeit wins :/ But we got to make our De_Train match up and won, 29-1 with T side first, lol. The other team was good spots about it from what I seen. I dropped a 25-2 score on T side and a 16-0 on CT side. Hopefully they wont dispute me for "hacking", cause I don't feel like zipping everything up into a file and sending in to them.
I will try and get a zip file link to the demos from the game.
Sat me, devin, and isaac will be lanning at my house again, I mite buy BF2 (AGAIN) to play that or something. I think Devin will be working almost all day Sat tho, so I dont know if he will be coming or not. But Isaac joined our CSS Team, Magnum-Gaming. He dropped a 20 bomb on CT side on train Weds night. Was a good night all around.
I bought another mousepad this week, I went back to hardsuface again, cloth was getting old and I don't like the way it feels. So I swapped out my QcK+ Steelpad cloth pad for a hardsuface Steelpad S&S-SK with padsurfers, it's awesome so far.
Not much has happened tho... I think most of the week has been Work... Play and Practice CSS... then bed. Dana will be coming over after I get off work so that will be a refreshing exp, other than the same crap over and over each day.
I havn't played much GW for 3 weeks or so. I bought a new Harddrive cuz my otherone was flipping out and wouldn't load the OS, so I got a super fast 10k RPM Raptor WD HardDrive.
That's about wraps it up tho... not much as happened besides that. OH I'm working now, just incase ADD kids read this and don't pick up on the "working" part two paragraphs up.
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