Well, I think it's safe to say I have seen ALL the E3 footage out and read all the reviews. I think I may have come to a final thought on what went down. Join me, will you.
Best Console: Wii
Why: It has a great feature with the controls and alot of people including myself were not so sure if it would work, but they proven to us at E3 that it does work, and works VERY well.
Biggest Letdown: PS3
Why: This was the shortest showcase for a console I have seen. The lineup for the start up on release is horrid. The only game so far that makes me wet myself was MGS4 and that won't be out until... what... 2007? So basicaly that's 500+ bucks to play one or two good games besides MGS4.... I think i will pass
"Good Day, PS3"......... PS3-"but" .... "I SAID GOOD DAY!"
Best Game for Wii: Red Steel
Why: Swords, Guns, and being able to control them with your own movements instead of buttons on a controller. Very Hot. Good graphics that almost match that of the PS3 even with such lesser hardware. This trailer at E3 was good in showing you that the Red Steel and the controller were very much so, "as one":
Best Game for PS3: MGS4
Why: Cause it's... MGS! Have you even been listening?!?! Serious though, snake gun in the month at the end! Games going to own hard. To bad I prolly won't play it because I will be using that money for one of the graphics cards i'm going to put in my Vista system. Now that's money worth spent.
Best Game for PC: Huxley
Why: I have been watching this game for a LONG time now. I finally get to see the gameplay and I sat back and grinned. This one be a good game...
Best Game for 360: Lost Planet
Why: The E3 trailer for this game... well, let's just say I havn't seen Capcom bring out the big guns for game ideas in a long time... Street Fighter 1-49(?). But this game had me sold. This would be the reason I get a 360 if I ever decide to. The game looks so good the gameplay is very smooth and real good graphics. Lost Planet from what I seen from the trailer your a human/roboticarm soldier and you basically can do stuff other noraml soldiers can't, that stuff is pretty down right freaking cool. Right when the mechs showed up on the trailer was when I got my second orgasm I think. The co-op or xboxlive version of the game looked really nice. It looks like an overall good game.
Most Surpised: Snake in SmashBros
Why: Because he is.... A character from a totally diff company and system...
Most OverRated: Tie between WoW:BC and Halo3
Why: cause they both freaking suck, what more do you want to know, really.
Top 10 (No Order)
Huxley (PC)
Red Steel (Wii)
Lost Planet (360)
Hellgate: London (PC)
MGS4 (PS3)
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
MetiodPrime (Wii)
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos (PC)
Warhammer: Online (PC)
Last BUT NOT LEAST.!!!!!
11th: Protect Snowblind II: The Reflection Period
(inside joke >_> )
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