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And the award goes to...


Yeah, so I finally got around to beating Heavy Rain this weekend and getting the platinum trophy (my first...YAY! :P ). The game is just beautiful. It definitely sets the standard for realism, not just for graphics but for pure emotion. It is so easy to become attached to the characters of the game because they are so real and not stereotypical (with the exception of maybe Blake who I think is just plain annoying). Unfortunately I don't think I'll be revisiting it unless I play through it with my mom (she started it with me, but we ran out of time to play together). Even with all the different choices and outcomes, replayability isn't that high unfortunately since the emphasis on the game is emotion and plot which really can't be replicated. Oh well...still an outstanding game in my opinion which I would give a 9.5/10. Has anyone played Indigo Prophecy? I'm thinking about getting it, but if it is just basically a cheaper, older version of Heavy Rain then I might pass. Anyone know?

Also my next PS3 venture will be Assassin's Creed II as I continue my never ending quest to catch up with the rest of the gaming community. As some of you I'm sure are aware I usually have another game going at the same time as the more current game. I turn to you all to pick which game I will be playing for either PS2 or PSX. I have started games in Persona 3 and Persona 4, but since I am a perfectionist I need to max all social links which takes a long time and lots of frustration. I'll be putting these off until I have more free time. I would love if you would all suggest one of the following games for me to start and the one with the most votes I'm gonna go with (a tie will get another blog with another vote). Here are your/my options:

PS2 - Ar tonelico II; Atelier Iris; Magna Carta; Odin Sphere; Okami; Sakura Wars: So long, my love; Tales of Legendia; Valkyrie Profile 2

PSX - Alundra; Grandia; Koudelka; Parasite Eve II; SaGa Frontier; Wild ARMs

Pick one! :D

On a completely unrelated note, I watched all of MLK Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech and read some other great speeches such as the Gettysburg Address and JFK's Inaugural Address. I must say that these are just plain powerful. Why hasn't there been a speech like these recently? Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Gandhi...all these men (women have made some great ones too, but they are all basically feminist movement related and I haven't really read up on them) made lasting impressions over the past 100 years. There hasn't been a great speech given in the past 20 years (since Ronald Reagan was President and he gave a few really good ones). I guess I should be happy since this could just mean there hasn't been an event requiring a great rallying speech, but then again we are at war and have been for almost a decade now. There have also been disasters such as 9/11 and the recent oil spill as well as the economic recession. No one person has really been able to rally the people like the speeches of old did, and I think we are due to have someone come in and leave a lasting impression.