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Final Fantasy Music Corner: FFVIII

This blog has been 5 months in the making. My life is now for the most part in order, so I finally had the time to throw this list and a video together. I know the vid is pretty bad (since I use Windows Video Maker it can only be bad), but I will put more time into the FFIX one and hopefully it will look and sound better.

I find it very easy to point out problems with the FF8 soundtrack. It uses the Eyes on Me and Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec themes far too much. Not that these themes are bad, but it almost seems like Uematsu lost originality for this soundtrack. Don't get me wrong, I like the soundtrack as a whole, but it lacks the standout songs that drive the other soundtracks in the series.

#10 (tie) - The Mission & The Landing - These tracks are very similar to each other. Solid buildup at the beginning and good use of tempo to show urgency. Sweet songs.

#9 - Maybe I'm a Lion - I love and hate this song. It really isn't original or anything. It just sounds cool.

#8 - Fisherman's Horizon - I almost didn't put this song on my list, but it has grown quite a bit on me. Hearing the piano collections version didn't hurt either. A nice melody that fits the locale beautifully.

#7 - Love Grows - Even though I said the Eyes on Me theme was overused, I still like it. I think I like this version of it the best. It was either this one or Julia which I like a lot also.

#6 - Truth - Building off of the last song, this is my favorite version of the whole harpsichord, Latin-like chanting theme. Overall I think these themes fit the environment of the game very well.

#5 - The Castle - This is one of my favorite dungeon themes throughout the series. It sets the mood through the use of one of the game's themes which is amazing. There are like 5 different awesome parts throughout this song.

#4 - Waltz for the Moon - I didn't want to put this song in here. I feel that the scene i which this song appears really makes the song memorable. I don't care though. Still a sweet part of the game.

#3 - The Extreme - A great boss battle track. Not the best in the series by any means, but definitely the best in this game.

#2 - Liberi Fatali - Had to have this song in here too. Another one really made by the scene it appears in, but still freakin sweet.

#1 - Man with the Machine Gun - In my opinion the best standard battle theme in the series. Gets repetitive really quick, but still reminds me of a cool futuristic jungle beat.

FF8 overall is a very solid soundtrack, especially in the battle theme department. I would like it much better though if it had more variety and a few tracks that were more memorable like Aerith's theme and the main theme from FF7 and a few from FF9 that I'll cover next time. 'til then, cya later!