hit me up with an add if you want
hit me up with an add if you want
Im annoyed, i tuned in to watch the microsoft press confrence and didnt get my emblem, the only reason i couldnt watch the first 5mins is because GS went down due to the servers being overloaded, and if thats the reason my emblem didnt appear then i demand that you give me it Gamespot (only the microsoft one, i didnt watch the others).
On a side note, i just brought a PS3 and a new 250gb HDD for it, had to go to work when i got home so i couldnt set it up, but when i do ill be sure to post my PSN id for anybody that wants it
As a huge halo fan, you can imagine that bungie day was like crack to me, free bungie gamerpics and a theme and a free map for halo 3, it was great.
The thing hat got me the most intruiged was something in the Vidoc they did a few days before bungie day. At the start of this Vidoc, which is on xblm (for free ofcourse), one of the bungie staff members doing the video said, and i quote, "our independance has us striving to become a multi-game studio and the first thing that we're gonna anounce today....." and is then cut off by the other bungie staff member in the vidoc. Now this was obviously scripted, which means that A) they will slowly drop small hints untill they start to develop a new game, or more likely B) they have started development or are planning to start on a new game soon. This the leads me to believe that they will announce whatever game they are planning/developing at E3 judging by the timing of the vidoc.
Now, the question darting around my head at the moment is, What genre of game will it be? Im not a betting man, but if i was i would put my money on a FPS totaly unrelated to Halo, which would also rule out a Marathon remake as many of Halo's componants came from that. Or, a more unlikely but possible game, a prequal to halo (possibly squad-based), based on the Halo novel Contact Harvest where you play as Sgt. Johnson which will show the humans first contact with the covanent. Now the reason i think it will be a FPS is because the only Halo game that isnt a FPS is an RTS that is being developed by someone else, also, Halo:CE was origionaly an RTS but bungie then decided to make it a FPS.
Well, those are my thoughts, please tell me what you think the game will be, i would like to hear your opinion aswell?
Praise the lord, i don't know how many more "I'm leaving............APRIL FOOLS!!!!" i could take, that and Microsoft getting me excited about a vintage 360 (im so bummed out that it isn't real, minus the retro dial/switch controller) and then shooting me down (promptly left Major Nelson negative feedback :lol: ) and Game-spot making me think that the pope had a gamertag (on their mock homepage which was taken down early in the day in my timezone).
Oh ye, the f@#$in bailiffs came to my house asking for an unpaid tax of £510, made my mom cry, then came out with an almost silent "April fools" and got chased away from my house by my bro (apparently they had done it to quite a few houses in my area)
So its the first big friday in the gaming world, with Army of Two, Dynasty Warriors 6 and Bully: SE being relesed.
Now, Gamespot in the past would usually review these games a day or two prior to relese, but as yet no review has been posted, not even for Frontlines which was relesed last week.
Has CNET fired all of GS's editors or are they all on holiday?
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