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Holy_Terra Blog

Games this "fall" (or autumn and winter as us brits call it XD)

Well everyone who ever reads anything about games knows that developers try put kick ass games in just before christmas because guess when everyone buys crap? Christmas... I'm no exception and I was wondering what anyone who reads this blog (which is pretty much me and my dog called Bailey but he doesnt know jack about video games however by smashing his paws on a dualshock controller he somehow managed to get niko in gta4 to jump then shoot a cop with a shotgun so he has about as much experience i would deem necessary).

First off lets see what is coming up in the next few weeks, first we have kane and lynch looks good, played demo really enjoyed it, but it's predecessor wasnt that great and I think the game online was a bit easy i was pretty much able to get to the vans by myself, second is of course Mafia 2. Looks fantastic, plays well but gay thing is that I cant play the demo on my ps3 because i dont have playstation plus so i had to use my crap laptop to try it on steam, nevertheless game still looked great and played well and I really enjoyed it once more.

October now this is where things start getting interesting, we are having MOH come out and fallout new vegas how kick ass is that? I loved fallout 3 (first game i ever bought 2 copies of one collector's edition for pc and one regular for ps3) truly fantastic but from gameplay looks it doesnt seem like theyve done anything to it, it looks pretty much the same but I still think I'll love it, then MOH I played the beta and it was fun only issue really is that MOH kinda died for me after MOH frontline I loved it, Rising sun was kinda crap, airborne was too easy and vanguard i just didnt bother playing. Also it does no matter what you say look VERY much like bfbc2 so what I'm seeing is a game that looks like bfbc2 kinda handles like it with a cross of cod with no destructibility, so I'm gonna keep my eye on it but reviews will come first.

November is where things heat up proper nice, ACB looks great and multiplayer addition looks good but I bought ac2 and got bored wasnt really worth a full purchase but with multiplayer ACB may be worth it and call of duty black ops, now it looks like mw2 (better than MW2) and they have added some crap and moved era and tbh i love the cold war era I like killing commies (hence the fact i love bfbc2's dlc vietnam coming out sometime in november i think), only thing is that I am getting a bit tired of the franchise its lost its appeal to me really (may be mean and get my mum to buy it for me for christmas so i dotn have to have personally paid into franchise XD).

Oh well that sums it up, wont post anything for quite a while unless I put a review up but I probs won't no new game come atm.

Red dead Redemption

One of the best games ive played but utterly rock solid trophies, I have 3 left two are the ones with winning 4 times in a row in a gang match, 3 times in a row in a free for all and 10 assist kills in one gang hideout. If anyone can help let me know PSN ID is - Death-Nemesis. Anyhow it is a grand game and nearly the unlucky platinum...

hating mw2

been playing bfbc2 and l4d for ages and have recently with the new stimulus map pack thought hmmm... maybe i will just flick on mw2 and see if its any good. Come back and WTF?!!?!!! I have never seen soooo many scars, tubers in my whole life! serious first match me with an UMP45 blazing down a corridor f**king sniper runs straight at me with barret 50cal and blasts at me as if its a bloody SMG or Shotgun serious?!

so i gonna change my reviews if you want realistic go with bfbc2 and this isnt me being **** completely i changed controls to be as close to those of bdfc2 as possible. I swear to god how many spammers can u get out of one game? **** activision and their stimulus map pack go back to cod 4 ffs that was a good game.

lols for an update

Got my lucky platinum (heavy rain) in March (no.11) all games recently played. Had gaming binge since last post, uncharted 2, MW2, BFBC2, L4d2, AC2 (notice the 2s? XD), Heavy Rain and soon will get GoW3 but don't have money for it atm :(. Also hope anyone who reads this had a happy easter and a merry Christmas because I sure did for Easter in Italy XD. Ciao


Ages since last post

nobody is reading this but at least it keeps me sane lol

Anyway new review on KZ2 (better late than never) also got my 6th platinum (Uncharted drake's fortune, SWTFU, Coj BiB, Infamous, Fallout 3 and Cod WAW) and soon to be 7th platinum! (Burnout paradise).

Other than that got a few new games and trophies wont bore you with details but have started using computer much more often for gaming (because its cheaper sometimes multiplayer matches are larger and I cant yell at noobtubers on the PS3).

killzone 2

This game is gonna hit the shelves in about a months time its 27th of feb i think but it has got a good preview looks like a killer buy and well im getting it so great if you need more info just go on the gameplay vids they will blow your mind.


Sorry I just looked on Total War website ( The release date is now some time in March still no exact date for the others dawn of war 2 and Old republic

3 of my favourite games are coming out soon on PC!

Right first off for some strange reason we are going to have a some games come out for PC! Yippy!

Well so far the few that have really caught my eye are the new Total War called Empire total war looks awesome and added it now has sea battles so that could be cool also we have Warhammer 40,000 dawn of war 2 different to the other dawn of wars and worth keeping an eye out for! Last but not least we have the MMORPG Star wars the old republic basically an MMO of KOTORs but a number of changes including time period (it is set a few hundred years in the future I think) Nevertheless Yoda isnt born yet so thats one thing I know nevertheless there some PC games to feast your eyes on.

Watch them no release date has appeared for the old republic but Empire total war hits the shelves on 6th February and Warhammer 40k Dawn of war 2 will appear early 2009 should be fun no precise date has been announced but is thought it could go out in March.


well Im new but I will recommend some games that are coming out!

Of course these are all that we have heard about and that everyone is getting (virtually)

Tom Clancy's end war (strategy world war 3 game play as either Russia Europe or America and dominate the world looks awesome and has been released but slightly wierd is the release date for PC which is the mother of strategy is in March...)

Call of Duty world at war (JESUS CHRIST this game is going to be amazing whether you use PS3 Xbox 360 or PC! Only thing about it is that we seem to have gone back in time... and of course remember make sure you like before you buy! (Check the Beta version on

Gears of War 2 (Im afraid I dont know how to say this but Im thinking its going to be awesome but aliens arent really my thing so it is a maybe for me but for almost everyone on planet earth its a yes! I recommend it due to a slik story line and amazing graphics and of course weaponry that tears everything up)

Youve heard of those but some new releases that may interest you!

Star wars the old republic (Yes the follow on from Kotor 2 also it is an RPG but! It is also an MMO! so of course we got ourselves an MMORPG lol which is different and of course it contains all the lightsabers and forcepowers and comrades as Kotor but this time you chose whethe you are sith... or republic...)

Dawn of War 2 (blarg no demo no real gameplay footage released that contains any other factions other than space marines and tyranids and a dash of eldar but watch the official movie on this site and you forget about everything! Unfortunatley we need to wait for more details "will try to keep up to date any way no one reads this so meh")

FarCry 2 (Guess what you are a soldier in a country in africa torn apart by civil war so you need to kill an arms dealer and fight for the sides in the conflict has already been released and looks great buy but not gonna get till price goes down because Im not rich and want to buy Cod WaW first)

Well hope you liked the read any queries or updates send me a email or instant message to trust me Im demented but please dont let it frighten you lol.