been playing bfbc2 and l4d for ages and have recently with the new stimulus map pack thought hmmm... maybe i will just flick on mw2 and see if its any good. Come back and WTF?!!?!!! I have never seen soooo many scars, tubers in my whole life! serious first match me with an UMP45 blazing down a corridor f**king sniper runs straight at me with barret 50cal and blasts at me as if its a bloody SMG or Shotgun serious?!
so i gonna change my reviews if you want realistic go with bfbc2 and this isnt me being **** completely i changed controls to be as close to those of bdfc2 as possible. I swear to god how many spammers can u get out of one game? **** activision and their stimulus map pack go back to cod 4 ffs that was a good game.