Of course these are all that we have heard about and that everyone is getting (virtually)
Tom Clancy's end war (strategy world war 3 game play as either Russia Europe or America and dominate the world looks awesome and has been released but slightly wierd is the release date for PC which is the mother of strategy is in March...)
Call of Duty world at war (JESUS CHRIST this game is going to be amazing whether you use PS3 Xbox 360 or PC! Only thing about it is that we seem to have gone back in time... and of course remember make sure you like before you buy! (Check the Beta version on www.Callofduty.com)
Gears of War 2 (Im afraid I dont know how to say this but Im thinking its going to be awesome but aliens arent really my thing so it is a maybe for me but for almost everyone on planet earth its a yes! I recommend it due to a slik story line and amazing graphics and of course weaponry that tears everything up)
Youve heard of those but some new releases that may interest you!
Star wars the old republic (Yes the follow on from Kotor 2 also it is an RPG but! It is also an MMO! so of course we got ourselves an MMORPG lol which is different and of course it contains all the lightsabers and forcepowers and comrades as Kotor but this time you chose whethe you are sith... or republic...)
Dawn of War 2 (blarg no demo no real gameplay footage released that contains any other factions other than space marines and tyranids and a dash of eldar but watch the official movie on this site and you forget about everything! Unfortunatley we need to wait for more details "will try to keep up to date any way no one reads this so meh")
FarCry 2 (Guess what you are a soldier in a country in africa torn apart by civil war so you need to kill an arms dealer and fight for the sides in the conflict has already been released and looks great buy but not gonna get till price goes down because Im not rich and want to buy Cod WaW first)
Well hope you liked the read any queries or updates send me a email or instant message to dementedboblord@hotmail.co.uk trust me Im demented but please dont let it frighten you lol.