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Sad Times

Well, it's all over. I just sold the last bit of my collection on ebay. It has been a long, hard process, but I finally got through it. Most of my friends never imagined that I could actually go through with selling all my stuff. Now granted, I didn't sell everything, but I have moved at least 75% of what I owned.

I don't know what it was. Maybe I am getting older. Maybe video games just don't hold my attention like they used to. Or maybe, I just needed the space and the money. Maybe all the reasons are a factor. Who knows? But all I do know is that I sold some stuff that really was hard for me to let go.

But on the bright side, I did keep all my next gen stuff. And I did use the money I made to make some nice upgrades (i.e. Sharp Aquos LCD).

But you know, with all the consoles embracing retro gaming through various downloadable content, I just did not see the need to keep all that stuff. And, I had so many games that I hadn't even played yet, that I didn't foresee having the time to even get to them all. I mean, in my PS2 collection that I sold, 17 of the 38 games in the collection had not even been opened...still sitting there in the factory wrapping, collecting dust.

So, I guess you can say that I have let go of the past...embraced the future.