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Hom3_Pwn3r Blog

Shut the hell up grammar police!

Oof the most annying things on the Web seems to have come to Gamespot.

The spelling police have come to town.

Situation- You type a thoughtful post on a subject that comes up in the OT. You accidentally write "fell" instead of "feel", and what do people wanna talk about?* The freaking typo in your post. And that is annoying as hell.

*Actual situation that happened on Saturday night to a guy.

This is the Internet. This is not English. This is not spell-check. This is not a writing workshop. The comeback "At Least I can spell!" is about the worst comeback ever thought of in the history of modern man.

If someone chooses to use slang, that's there choice. They are taking the risk of possibly not being able to convey their ideas to there readers. But that's there choice, not yours.

So what am i getting at?

If your someone who corrects grammar online, STFU!

Curb Stomping, or Cheating on My Sexy Mail Order Bride Named Halo 3

Ever have a super hot girlfriend, but you cheated on her to be with your less-attractive true love?

Me neither.

So i'll use a different example. I ordered a sexy mail order bride whose name happens to be Halo 3. We have had a serious relationship, with me getting all the way up to level 27 with only about 100 experience. I must, for the sake of honesty, say I have beaten my new bride. Twice. Heroic and Legendary. I'm not an achievement freak, so when haven't had all the accomplishments. My friends don't really play, so we can't double date. In fact, my friend and I experimented and swapped. Halo 3 for Call of Duty Four. I felt a little jealous looking at the lovely graphics, and the story looks to be more than just skin deep.

I returned Call of Duty 4, and took back Halo 3. But happened......i pushed it away from me. I started to see someone else. We had a few too many Gears (of War) , and started to play Warzone. I felt the passion come back as i reunited with the game. Blowing off someones head felt fun again. Seeing a alien head fly off while grinding their face into the pavement with a steel toed boot was a rush. And, by george, I'm playing like I'm Sam Fisher out there, killing people left and right. I finally figured out that tricky devil known as the Gnasher Shotgun.

Why am i more compatible with my old friend Gears?

1. We have a stronger connection.

When I play Halo 3, once i die i frequently have to wait at the death screen, countdown at 5 seconds to spawn, because out in the sticks my connection isn't strong enough. For Gears the online just works smoother, sure, gears has its rough spots, but overall our connection is a hundred times stronger.

2. Gears knows cooler people.

Lets be honest, the Halo 3 fans absolutely suck. They won't make you mad or have hurt feelings, but they are stupid as hell. Example: I play child. I do poorly. Child tells me i have no friends. I call him an idiot tard and mute him. He sends me text. I report him. Sure, he inconvenienced me for 30 seconds max, but you're lying to yourself if you say it's just a few people who make Halo 3 a bad online community.

3. Teamwork, intelligence, and strategy.

Halo 3. No, no and HELL no.
Gears of War. Yes, occasionally :), and if you want to live.

4. Gears is unique.

If you think I don't like Halo 3, you're wrong. I like it, not as much as the original, and definitely not as much as the sequel, but i like it. But just look at the shooter genre on the Xbox 360. Its so much stronger than any other respective genre on any other system. Gears has everything. Achievements I care about (DAMN YOU PISTOLERO!), damn sexy graphics, addicting gameplay, a freaking brutal campaign, sweet weapons, good menus....i could go on and on. Halo just feels like a cop out. I'm playing a great game that i have already played for years in Halo 2, just with a face lift and a X button. Maybe Halo 3 should have done a Duke Nukem. Many a year later, and people are pumped to see him coming back.

That's why Halo 3 is going to be sitting under Gears on my shelf, and I don't know if it will come back other than for an occasional fling.

I simply despise lolcats.

Dear gamespot community,

Lately I have come under attack from a very dreadful trend. This trend was even recently featured in Parade magazine (you know, that magazine that they put inside the newspaper that contains gems like Ask Marilyn). It's the talk of internet kiddies all around town, featured in sigs and and messages, and worst of all, used WAY too frequently in serious topics.

What is this scourge, you might ask (if you're that out the the interent trend world)?


I for one, am not one who is particularly fond of trends, I thanked my lucky stars when the moderators finally had the sense to get rid off the "Touch her shoulder" fad in the OT, I can't say i cared for the whole Chuck Norris jokes, and i especially despise these "mudkipz".

But this one is possibly the worst trend I have seen in many a year. Why?

It's. Just. Not. Funny. At. All.

Let's take a closer look. It's a picture of a cat with words spelled incorrectly. Okay? It's not cute enough to get me to simply melt away. It's not funny enough to get me to laugh my arse off. Think of it this way: in any random movie, a guy slips on ice. Might cause me to chuckle. Now in that same movie, write "O noez. I felled." Does this improve the scene? Not for me, but apparently for millions of internet message board posters.

Another example of this trash

Translation: Goodness Gracious! He is pointing a loaded Glock towards my cranium!
*Two drum hit with a cymbol crash*

So let me leave you with this: I heard you like lolcats. Why?????