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Achievements are getting rediculous...

As you can see by the title of my post I am seeing that achievements are gradually getting to the point that no one wants to get them.

 I remember that back in the day when the lauch games came the majority had achievements that were so rediculously easy that it was unfair. Now you have ones that are so stupid that you are expected to expected to be number one in the world on each game type, i.e GRAW. I love Ghost Recon. I think that it is a great game but there is no one, unless it is the only game they have, who wants and is excited to get these achievements.

That leads me into the next problem in achievements being that you have to beat the on hard mode.  If anyone reads this I don't want to get comments telling me to stop whining or to just shut up and play the game. I don't think anyone can honestly say that when they see these achievements that they are really happy and excited to play the game on hard. I really doubt anyone enjoys that. What I really wish companies would do, is to think about what the consumers want in there gaming experience. Personally I want to just play the game and enjoy it. Playing through on normal without having to play it on hard later just to get a 50 point achievement would be great. It seems that developers are thinking that their game is the only game out there and that when someone plays their game that is the only game they will play. I justy know that I get very frustrated and get to the point of not playing..........................................

I just feel like typing about things...

These are some thoughts I have been having about video games, the community and just everything in general, so yea here I go:

#1.  E3. what the crap! That's all I have to say.

#2. Government views on violence. I see what they are saying and yes being exposed to excessive violence does make you think or even act more aggressive, but they should not be taking this out on ESRB. If you are a 12 year old kid playing Grand Theft Auto, there are two people to blame. The first is the game retailer that sold it to the kid, and the second is the parent that gave the retailer permission to let the kid buy it. The ESRB has the most discriptive rating system in anything in the entertainment industry. They are not the one's responsible for some kid killing another in the same way you do in GTA or Saints Row. The parents should be the one's to regulate what their kids are playing. In a way playing the game is the same as watching a move. In a simpler way of explaining it "If your kid can't watch R rated movies, he shouldn't play M rated games." Another thing is if parents allow their children to do this, they need to find a basis for their child of being able to depict what is reality and what is just fantasy. If the ESRB is to take the heat and have to change some things with their system I have ideas. I doubt any of them will ever see what I think but I want to at least get them out there.....

#3. Rating system.  Like I said the rating system is fantastic, and very discriptive and informative, but what I feel is missing is a rating between T and M. As many people can tell there is a huge difference between GTA and the likes of Splinter Cell and Halo. Comparing these games is like mixing oil and water. In GTA you have explicit sexual cotent, pervasive graphic language, and more violence then any other games on the market. In Splinter Cell you have the occassional swear word (no F words, in the entire game with the "strong laguage" rating on the back), the gun that you shoot people with, and a knife to stab with. Yes the violence is no where in the teen market, but it is not mature either. Where in the ESRB is forced to give it a M rating because it is too graphic for Teens. Then you have Halo. Yes it is a violent game, it is an FPS, so of course it is going to be, but you are not walking around killing people in order to steal cars or anything of that nature. You aren't even killing people. These are fantasy creatures. Nothing in the game is depicting real life activities. There only shread of reality is that there are marines in the game. What I feel about Splinter Cell and Halo is that they are in the genre I like to call "Ratings Limbo", where they are too violent for T but barely enough for M. I don't what to call the rating in the middle of these to but I know that this is something that definitely need to be done in order to make the government happy and also to help the parents in the disicion making for games that their children want.

#4. I love my Xbox 360 and don't care what anyone says, and I need a Wii now.

Why are the Achievements so addicting?

I have no freakin' clue! I just know that I have become a pawn in Microsoft's game of chess and about to sacrificed in order to obtain checkmate. I have foudn myself trying for hours to collect one of this beauties that down amount to anything! I feel compelled to write this because yesterday I was playing burnout and all I need to do is get 5 stars on one traffic attack to get the Perfect Assassin achievement. Well, I played for nearly 2 1/2 hours and never got it. I found myself screaming because I got a gold medal but not along with the awesome rank. It is so wierd because if this were the xbox version I would be satisfied with not getting everything perfect. Microsoft has planted it in to everyone's head that we have to unlock these things. They mean nothing, but I still have to unlock them. It makes me feel as if I have failed if I don't get 1000 points on a game. I even rented College Hoops 2K6 just to get 1000 points. This is all insane. What Microsoft has done is absolutely brilliant, because I know I am not the only one who feels this way. Now if you will excuse me, while I waste 24 hours so I can get 1000 deathmatch games in Perfect Dark.

G.R.A.W Falcon Achievement

I think that I am the only person on this planet that is having problems with this achievement for Ghost Recon AW. Here's what I have done so far.

My gamerscore is 9984. Just for fun I want to have an even 10,000. Ok. So anyway my friend and I are looking at achievements and see that the falcon achievement is 16 points, which is exactly what I need. So we think 100 helicopters is nothing and all that considering I have blown up close to 20 just playing for real. We go and set the game up and everything ok. I blow them up. I get to 80 helicopters and think, "well, I guess I had fewer." Then I get to 90 and think "dang, I guess I didn't do it right before." Thinking that you have to wait for time to run out and not just quit. Then I get to 100. YEAH! One problem though. I get no achievement. I calm down and think that maybe you have to wait until the round is over. We wait, but still don't get it. Then we think that maybe my friend stepped out of the base some of the time causing the helicopter to explode before my rocket blew it up. We go back in the game and I get to 125 helicopters and still no achievement. This is where I am at today. I have no freakin' clue what I have done wrong. I am asking anyone who has that achievement to give me some insight as to what I have done wrong or if they can help me with it.

first post/ gamespot love/ Backwards Compatability

I haven't really posted on here before and I am a level 10. I don't know why but anyway. I love that I can post videos on here now because I enjoy making music videos on the computer and I hope that people enjoy them. I have uploaded a Lost and Metroid Prime music video. I hope everyone checks them out. That one starbucks commercial I just had to put on because it is brilliant. I hope to have more videos in the future.
On to another subject. I love I think that I am the only who I have come in contact with that likes this website more than IGN. I feel the people at gamespot care more about gaming. I think that they give more indepth analysis on the new games. I respect their reviews for games too, although every once in a while I think some games are a little better (Tomb Raider Legend) than they say, or worse (Perfect Dark Zero).
Speaking of the Xbox 360...I am really wanting to sell my original xbox but not all of my games are compatible yet. Here are two of the games microsoft needs to hurry up and put on the list:
Star Wars: Republic Commando and Goldeneye: rogue agent.
ok so later for now