These are some thoughts I have been having about video games, the community and just everything in general, so yea here I go:
#1. E3. what the crap! That's all I have to say.
#2. Government views on violence. I see what they are saying and yes being exposed to excessive violence does make you think or even act more aggressive, but they should not be taking this out on ESRB. If you are a 12 year old kid playing Grand Theft Auto, there are two people to blame. The first is the game retailer that sold it to the kid, and the second is the parent that gave the retailer permission to let the kid buy it. The ESRB has the most discriptive rating system in anything in the entertainment industry. They are not the one's responsible for some kid killing another in the same way you do in GTA or Saints Row. The parents should be the one's to regulate what their kids are playing. In a way playing the game is the same as watching a move. In a simpler way of explaining it "If your kid can't watch R rated movies, he shouldn't play M rated games." Another thing is if parents allow their children to do this, they need to find a basis for their child of being able to depict what is reality and what is just fantasy. If the ESRB is to take the heat and have to change some things with their system I have ideas. I doubt any of them will ever see what I think but I want to at least get them out there.....
#3. Rating system. Like I said the rating system is fantastic, and very discriptive and informative, but what I feel is missing is a rating between T and M. As many people can tell there is a huge difference between GTA and the likes of Splinter Cell and Halo. Comparing these games is like mixing oil and water. In GTA you have explicit sexual cotent, pervasive graphic language, and more violence then any other games on the market. In Splinter Cell you have the occassional swear word (no F words, in the entire game with the "strong laguage" rating on the back), the gun that you shoot people with, and a knife to stab with. Yes the violence is no where in the teen market, but it is not mature either. Where in the ESRB is forced to give it a M rating because it is too graphic for Teens. Then you have Halo. Yes it is a violent game, it is an FPS, so of course it is going to be, but you are not walking around killing people in order to steal cars or anything of that nature. You aren't even killing people. These are fantasy creatures. Nothing in the game is depicting real life activities. There only shread of reality is that there are marines in the game. What I feel about Splinter Cell and Halo is that they are in the genre I like to call "Ratings Limbo", where they are too violent for T but barely enough for M. I don't what to call the rating in the middle of these to but I know that this is something that definitely need to be done in order to make the government happy and also to help the parents in the disicion making for games that their children want.
#4. I love my Xbox 360 and don't care what anyone says, and I need a Wii now.
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