As you can see by the title of my post I am seeing that achievements are gradually getting to the point that no one wants to get them.
I remember that back in the day when the lauch games came the majority had achievements that were so rediculously easy that it was unfair. Now you have ones that are so stupid that you are expected to expected to be number one in the world on each game type, i.e GRAW. I love Ghost Recon. I think that it is a great game but there is no one, unless it is the only game they have, who wants and is excited to get these achievements.
That leads me into the next problem in achievements being that you have to beat the on hard mode. If anyone reads this I don't want to get comments telling me to stop whining or to just shut up and play the game. I don't think anyone can honestly say that when they see these achievements that they are really happy and excited to play the game on hard. I really doubt anyone enjoys that. What I really wish companies would do, is to think about what the consumers want in there gaming experience. Personally I want to just play the game and enjoy it. Playing through on normal without having to play it on hard later just to get a 50 point achievement would be great. It seems that developers are thinking that their game is the only game out there and that when someone plays their game that is the only game they will play. I justy know that I get very frustrated and get to the point of not playing..........................................