- Homo_Sovieticus’s Activity
@mogan: Comments are disabled in the video review https://youtu.be/cxkBI2B2LnU
@cappy: other reviewers are shills. they're shilling for money.
@sippio: I despise MGSV and Death Stranding, they're the most hated games by me. But even there some dialogues are more interesting than Cyberjunk corny-ass crap.
This game is a pile of hot garbage, and everyone thinking otherwise should check their heads. Boring, bland, mediocre, and uninspiring. 7/10 is too generous for this trash.Bland barren lifeless open w...
Meanwhile, Death Stranding has Meta user score of 5.3 and 8112 negative reviews vs 7972 positive reviews.Right after release positive/negative ratio was about 66%/33%. Now Kojima boys are losing.
I've seen news about DS insider on reddit, who's saying that DS bugdet is about 150-200 millions without marketing. So a full budget is about 200-300 millions. I've seen the game, and I think the numb...
Another news from the UK chart:"Death Stranding sales drop a huge 71% week-on-week in its second week on sale. It falls from 2nd to 8th place on the charts."http://www.vgchartz.com/article/441423/uk-w...
@SolidGame_basic said:I'm starting this game this weekend. Wish me luck lol.Man, if you're not a rabid fanboy, return the game ASAP. You'll save $60 and 60-70 hours of leisure time which you can spen...
I'm in severe depression after Death Stranding.
@subspecies said:Positive reviews from knowledgable, experienced gamers are kryptonite to the naysayers on this board, lol (and particularly in this thread). In other words, expect to be ignored by t...
Have you accepted Tomokazu Fukushima, a real writer behind MGS1-3. as our Lord and Saviour?Kojima isn't God.
@jaydan said:It really is just set up to be the ultimate movie game, Why do you call it "a movie game" when after first 3 hours the only things you do is walking and speaking with holograms for many ...
@goldenelementxl said:That story is pure nonsense. I usually shy away from genres like JRPGs because of the bullshit plot lines, but Death Stranding is in a league of its own. It’s not deep, just dum...
Now I've completed my story walkthough.You cannot even imagine how amauterish, slow-paced, boring, bloated, cliched Death Stranding story is. Imagine MGS-Silent Hill-like story that is 10 000 times wo...
@MarkoftheSivak: story wasn't convoluted, story was just unfinished boring uninteresing shit.And about repetitive missions -- imagine GTAV where 80% of MAIN missions were like "kill 20 gangsters" with...
Tomokazu Fukushima >> Hideo Fraudjima.
@Bread_or_Decide: your data is kind of obsolete (June 2019). I google and find lists where Days Gone is gone. Like this https://www.npd.com/wps/portal/npd/us/news/top-10/ оr https://www.gamespot.com/a...
@Bread_or_Decide: give a link, pls.
In the UK Death Stranding takes 2nd place in weekly chart. DS is second biggest PS4 launch of the year with 36% less copies than Days Gone, which was boring, broken, and gone in days.http://www.vgchar...
I have all MGS games except Portable Ops, I bought PS3 and PS4 for these games, I beat most of them many times. Since I was extremely disappointed with MGSV, I decided not to buy any KojiPro games wit...
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