Hoogomoogo's forum posts
Hard way's the best way.
It's not so hard, anyway.
I agree. if you are too lazy to get all the characters without any cheats or things, then ur one sad form of lazy. also, i find that the challenge (even if its not too hard) is a good addition to the game.
Ever heard of Paper Mario:thousand year door?Of course not, but it sure seems that way doesn't it? Rarely anything new going on for Gamecube. I fugured the new Legend of Zelda game would have triggered more new titles or at the least, some new sequels. What do you think would liven up the Gamecube market? Here are my thoughts, please share yours :)
First of all, I think Nintendo would do well to try and get some re-releases done with some old classics from the NES. That would, at least, pull in some older fans of the NES. Would love to see some games updated like Metroid was (Metroid Prime is one of the best games GC has to offer.... my personal opinion mind you). I think it's awesome to see an old game remade into an updated version. The new Zelda and the two Metroid Prime releases have been a big hit, I'm sure the same could happen with a lot of other classics.
Second, Gamecube desperately needs a new big-name RPG game that would pretty much replace Final Fantasy (since that game has spread into all platforms and systems by now). The early Final Fantasy series were, by far, my favorite games to date. Especially FF2 from the SNES. But, since they've already redone most of the classic Squaresoft games, I say it's time to move on, start a new series. Something exclusively on Gamecube, maybe adding network capabilities.
Third, how about some adapters that allow you to play your older NES, SNES, and even Gameboy cartridges on the new system? One of the things Playstation has going for them with each new system they release is that all of their games from previous systems will play on the newer systems. This is a big 'plus' in my decision to purchase a new system.
Final thoughts... it's pretty obvious, from my post here, that I'm an older gamer. Many of you that might read this are more than likely much younger than I am, and probably won't quite agree with everything. But I think, even the younger gamers will appreciate some of these ideas. I'm not a Nintendo "fanboy" (as I've seen them called), I own every system all the back to the Atari 2600. But I appreciate the fact that Nintendo pretty much started the market booming with it's first system. I admit I didn't purchase the new WII system, I haven't seen anything about it that interests me (the new controller isn't all that exciting to me, personally). Perhaps I would feel differently about it if I gave it a try. Gamecube is a great system though, and it would be nice to see more done for it.
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