i personally think the price point will not be higher that $199(us), i think it will be at 175 or so and i think Nintendo will announce a new Mario kart or star fox game along with a new controller attachment and that there will be a microphone in the wii-mote.
5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PC) 4. Shadow of the Colossus (PS2) 3. F.E.A.R. (PC) 2. Neverwinter Nights (PC) 1. Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (GCN)
1. Super Metroid 2. Earthbound 3. Super Mario RPG. 4. Chrono Trigger 5. Secret of Mana I have 5 or the hardest games of all time to find that alone makes me cool, well look cool at least.
Hoppe_c80's comments