2015 - 2016 would be just right. Xbox 360 & PS3 have just begin to show their true potential. Games like "MW3" & "BF3" releasing soon, I can't think of how far limits in these "FPS" (first person shooters) will change a regular gaming session into a theatrical experience. "SAINTS ROWS: THE 3RD", "ELDER SCROLLS: SKYRIM" & all the other releases coming out soon will be kicking down doors with new potential to show the gaming world, what these consoles can really do. Exclusive titles for Xbox 360, like: "HALO 3", "GOW2", "MASS EFFECT 1 & 2" & so on, were stepping stones to strengthen the 360. The sequels will improve tremendously, pushing the 360 to the next level of "WOW!!!", "HOLY S@#$!!", "THIS IS AWAZING!!!!!", "THIS ISN'T A GAME, ITS GOT TO BE REAL!!" etc. The only game on the 360, that have successfully used a graffiti spray can & literally sprayed a big black "X" across the "MATURE 17+" rating & used a white graffiti can & sprayed "AO" is "RUMBLE ROSES DOUBLE X". Better than porn! "RR3" plz GOD plz.
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